Will the blockchain be what Bitcoin wasn’t. Sergey Tarasov Shutterstock David Glance, The University of Western Australia Digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin may have failed to unseat their more traditional rivals, but the technology that underpins Bitcoin may yet bring about a revolution in finance and other industries. This technology is called the “[blockchain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_chain_(database)”. The blockchainContinue reading “Bitcoin might not change the world, but the blockchain that makes it work, might”
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Is Gold Dead?
Is Gold Dead? by Joseph Brown Gold’s performance has been less than stellar over the last year. This has caused many to take their losses and look elsewhere to invest their money. Because of the extreme bearish sentiment surround gold lately, it’s important to keep looking at the numbers to determine whether or not goldContinue reading “Is Gold Dead?”
Peter Schiff: Central Banks Have Created the Mother of All Bubbles
Source: https://schiffgold.com/peters-podcast/peter-schiff-central-banks-have-created-the-mother-of-all-bubbles/ BY SCHIFFGOLD The Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world have pumped trillions of dollars into the global economy and depressed interest rates to artificially low levels to blow up the mother of all bubbles. In his podcast, Peter Schiff explained how the recent acquisition of Afterpay by Square reveals the extentContinue reading “Peter Schiff: Central Banks Have Created the Mother of All Bubbles”
The Easiest Retirement Choice
Posted February 26, 2019 by Nick Maggiulli Retirement. The Nobel Laureate William Sharpe called it the “nastiest, hardest problem in finance.” And it is. Between deciding how much to save and spend throughout your life, you also have to make guesses about the future. What will inflation be? How long will I live? What kind ofContinue reading “The Easiest Retirement Choice”
After Bitcoin, are you ready for the next generation of cryptocurrencies?
Notes and Queries. Zach Copley, CC BY-SA Paul Levy, University of Brighton The Bank of England believes that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin could be big news and even UK chancellor George Osborne is tweeting about it. But it is important to note the detail in the central bank’s comments. It is talking about forming its ownContinue reading “After Bitcoin, are you ready for the next generation of cryptocurrencies?”
What is DeFi and why is it the hottest ticket in cryptocurrencies?
There has been massive growth in decentralised finance in the past three years. ESB Professional Jeremy Eng-Tuck Cheah, Nottingham Trent University One area in cryptocurrencies attracting huge attention is DeFi or decentralised finance. This refers to financial services using smart contracts, which are automated enforceable agreements that don’t need intermediaries like a bank or lawyerContinue reading “What is DeFi and why is it the hottest ticket in cryptocurrencies?”
We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before! Pandora’s Box and the Next Monetary System
We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before! Pandora’s Box and the Next Monetary System by David Quintieri Inflation is everywhere today! Real estate continues to increase in price right now as we see low interest rates keep this going. There is upward pressure on markets right now globally because of the inflation of the moneyContinue reading “We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before! Pandora’s Box and the Next Monetary System”
My Investing Nightmare
Posted August 3, 2021 by Nick Maggiulli Recently a friend asked me: What keeps you up at night financially? What is your version of an investing nightmare? Fortunately, I don’t have anything that keeps me up at night (I tend to be an optimist), but if I had to describe my investing nightmare, it wouldn’tContinue reading “My Investing Nightmare”
Bitcoin’s continuing price fall unmasks its underlying flaws. Is this its end?
Bitcoin’s future. David Glance, The University of Western Australia Bitcoin was dubbed the worst investment of 2014. As predicted however, 2015 has seen the continued fall in value of the currency that was supposed to fuel the digital age. In the last 10 days alone, it has lost 26% in value. Bitcoin’s decline. If 2014Continue reading “Bitcoin’s continuing price fall unmasks its underlying flaws. Is this its end?”
What is decentralized finance? An expert on bitcoins and blockchains explains the risks and rewards of DeFi
Bitcoins may finally be good for more than just speculation and making buttons. AP Photo/Frank Jordans Kevin Werbach, University of Pennsylvania Fervent proponents of cryptocurrencies and the blockchains they run on have promised a lot. To them, these technologies represent salvation from corporate power over the internet, government intrusions on liberty, poverty and virtually everythingContinue reading “What is decentralized finance? An expert on bitcoins and blockchains explains the risks and rewards of DeFi”