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This website consists of (permanent) pages and various blog posts.

The pages are accessible via the horizontal menu at the top of the site (“Primary Menu”).

The blog posts are accessible via the menu Blog.

Personal Blog Posts

Why I picked published 15.03.2021

How to Create an Internet Archive published 22.03.2021

How to Nest Pages in WordPress published 25.03.2021

How to Create a Multilingual Website with WordPress published 27.03.2021

7 Reasons Why an Own Domain is So Important published 25.04.2021

Malaria Vaccine Achieves Higher Efficacy & Unprecedented Success published 26.04.2021

8 Reasons Why Link Building is Important for Your Site published 30.04.2021

The Benefits of Using Tags and Categories on Your Site or Blog published 04.05.2021

How to find out if search engines have your domain’s pages published 15.05.2021

6 simple steps to increase your wealth published 06.06.2021

AuReus system solar panels made from waste published 01.06.2021

David Hunter predicts stock market crash by 80 % published 12.07.2021

Selbstgenutzte Wohnimmobilie – Lust oder Last? published 29.07.2021

New Series on Bitcoin and the Blockchain published 03.08.2021

Detaillierte Auswertung Heizkosten 2002-2020 einer Abluft-Wärmepumpe published 22.08.2021

Mit der Riester-Rente 100 % Rendite erwirtschaftet in 15 Jahren published 24.08.2021

Detailed evaluation of heating costs 2002-2020 of an Exhaust Air Heat Pump (EAHP) published 27.08.2021

Beispiel einer Renteninformation mit Rentenauskunft published 30.08.2021

Neue Website Trading Robots veröffentlicht published 19.10.2021

New Trading Robots Site launched published 20.10.2021

Introduction Stock Market Robot System published 26.10.2021

Why Schmitti? published 29.10.2021

Introduction of the individual robots published 30.10.2021

Neue Seite Handelsroboter veröffentlicht published 31.10.2021

Introduction of Schmitti4 published 31.10.2021

Introduction of EURUSDCCH4 published 01.11.2021

Introduction of EURUSDCCH1 published 02.11.2021

Introduction of GBPUSDCCH1 published 03.11.2021

Installation einer Photovoltaikanlage mit 11,1 kWp published 10.11.2021

New Robot System launched published 14.11.2021

Neues Robotersystem startet published 14.11.2021

Installation einer Photovoltaikanlage mit 23,3 kWp published 16.11.2021

Vorstellung des Firmeninhabers published 18.11.2021

Vorstellung Firma Schmitt Trading Ltd published 19.11.2021

Vorstellung GBPUSDCCH1 published 22.11.2021

Vorstellung DOWCCH1 published 23.11.2021

Vorstellung Börsen Robot System 7.06 published 24.11.2021

Vorstellung USDJPYCCH1 published 25.11.2021

Vorstellung NZDJPYCCH1 published 26.11.2021

Installation eines Balkonkraftwerks published 01.12.2021

Durchschnittsverbrauch Autogas published 01.12.2021

Introduction of the individual robots published 01.12.2021

Lösungen für private Investoren published 05.12.2021

Schmitt Trading Ltd integrates Online Store on Website published 06.12.2021

Neue Seite Handelsroboter veröffentlicht published 06.12.2021

Introduction of DOWCCH1 published 06.12.2021

Introduction of USDJPYCCH1 published 07.12.2021

Introduction of NZDJPYCCH1 published 08.12.2021

Steuern auf Trading-Geschäfte published 08.12.2021

Introduction Stock Market Robot System published 10.12.2021

Introduction Stock Market Robot System 7.06 published 11.12.2021

Vorstellung EURUSDCCH4 published 17.12.2021

Vorstellung Schmitti4 published 18.12.2021

Warum Schmitti? published 19.12.2021

Trading Robots Site launched published 22.12.2021

Seite Handelsroboter veröffentlicht published 22.12.2021

Introduction of Schmitt Trading Ltd published 23.12.2021

Installation einer Photovoltaikanlage mit 5,6 kWp published 25.12.2021

Vorstellung der einzelnen Roboter published 27.12.2021

Vorstellung EURUSDCCH1 published 30.12.2021

New Series Marc Friedrich Blog Posts published 01.01.2022

Neue Serie Marc Friedrich Blogbeiträge published 01.01.2022

Introduction of USDJPYCCH1 published 02.01.2022

Interview with Marc Friedrich in Sachwert Magazin published 02.01.2022

Interview mit Marc Friedrich im Sachwertmagazin published 02.01.2022

Crises are important! Crises are opportunities! published 03.01.2022

Krisen sind wichtig! Krisen sind Chancen! published 03.01.2022

Cash Interview with Marc Friedrich published 04.01.2022

Cash Interview mit Marc Friedrich published 04.01.2022

How did we test published 05.01.2022

Financial Intelligence Newsletter for 15.10.2021 published 05.01.2022

Newsletter Finanzielle Intelligenz vom 15.10.2021 published 05.01.2022

Why don’t people learn from the past? published 06.01.2022

Warum lernen Menschen nicht aus der Vergangenheit? published 06.01.2022

Financial expert Marc Friedrich in a FOCUS Online Interview published 07.01.2022

Finanzexperte im FOCUS-Online-Interview Marc Friedrich published 07.01.2022

Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann unexpectedly resigns. Is he leaving the sinking ship? published 08.01.2022

Bundesbank-Chef Jens Weidmann tritt überraschend zurück. Verlässt er das sinkende Schiff? published 08.01.2022

Inflation is here to stay! published 09.01.2022

Die Inflation ist da und bleibt! published 09.01.2022

Financial Intelligence Newsletter for 18.11.2021 published 10.01.2022

Newsletter Finanzielle Intelligenz vom 18.11.2021 published 10.01.2022

Meltdown Scenario for the Dow Jones Industrial Index published 22.01.2022

Der Super-GAU im Dow Jones Industrial published 22.01.2022

Meltdown Scenario for the S&P500 published 23.01.2022

Der Super-GAU im S&P500 published 23.01.2022

How To Manage your Email Subscriptions with HubSpot published 31.01.2022

Germany: The world’s dumbest energy policy published 11.02.2022

Deutschland: Die dümmste Energiepolitik der Welt published 11.02.2022

3 easy Steps to Get Started with Bitcoin published 17.03.2022

3 einfache Schritte, um mit Bitcoin durchzustarten published 17.03.2022

5 easy steps to financial freedom published 24.03.2022

5 einfache Schritte zu finanzieller Unabhängigkeit published 24.03.2022

Einstieg ins Thema Finanzen published 01.04.2022

Strategic Concept on How to Store Emails Safely published 02.04.2022

Übersicht Heizsysteme published 09.04.2022

How To Set a Lockscreen Gallery on Huawei Phones published 29.10.2022

Firefox Extension CyberGhost VPN Free Proxy published 2022-12-15

New Twitter For Higher Privacy published 2022-12-15

Wise ATM Withdrawals For Free published 2022-12-15

Wohnungsbauprämie mit 10 % schlägt Inflation published 2023-01-10

Arbeitnehmersparzulage mit 9 % und 20 % schlägt Inflation published 2023-01-10

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