In Deutschland wurden die Steuergesetze 2021 erneut verschärft. So ist es nicht mehr möglich, Gewinne aus Finanzanlagen unbegrenzt mit Verlusten zu verrechnen. Schmitt Trading Ltd bietet Lösungen, wie Privatanleger legal der Steuerfalle entkommen können. Um Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern, haben wir auf unserer Website einen Online-Shop integriert und bieten ab sofort folgende Leistungen an:Continue reading “Lösungen für Privatanleger”
Monthly Archives: April 2022
Anthony Lee Video schildert mögliche Hungersnot
Marc Friedrich führt im Video ein Interview mit Anthony Lee, dem Vorsitzenden von “Land schafft Verbindung” . ► Timestamps: 00:00 – 02:23 Intro & Vorstellung 02:23 – 07:17 Droht eine Hungersnot? Stehen wir bald vor leeren Regalen? 07:17 – 08:22 Sind soziale Unruhen vorprogrammiert? 08:22 – 10:43 Wie ist die Situation bei Bauern? Bekommt ihrContinue reading “Anthony Lee Video schildert mögliche Hungersnot”
Anthony Lee Video speaks about possible famines
The term supercycle means the longest period, or wave, in the growth of a financial market as described by the Elliott wave principle, originally conceived and formulated by Ralph Nelson Elliott. Marc Friedrich believes that a new supercycle has already started and calls it “The Commodity Supercycle”. In a series of video interviews, Marc willContinue reading “Anthony Lee Video speaks about possible famines”
Übersicht Heizsysteme
Ich hatte mich im Jahr 2021 acht Monate lang mit den aktuellen Heizsystemen beschäftigt. Hier ein Überblick darüber, was ich herausgefunden habe: Sachwerte Stromerzeugung Haus-Solaranlage Mobile Solaranlage Holzvergaserkraftwerk Gebrauchte Solarmodule Blockheizkraftwerk Biogasanlage Batterie-Speicherkraftwerk Immobilien Selbstgenutzte Wohnimmobilie Gebäudeheizung Klimaanlagenheizung Brennstoffzellenheizung Direktmethanolbrennstoffzelle Reformer-Methanol-Brennstoffzelle (RMFC) Nano-BHKW Heizung Wasserstoff Brennstoffzellen BHKW Wasserstoffheizung Wärmepumpenheizung Brauchwasser-Wärmepumpe Erdspeicherheizung Holzvergaserheizung Wärmespeicher Versorgungstechnik SanitärtechnikContinue reading “Übersicht Heizsysteme”
Timeline of 100 years of racist housing policy that created a separate and unequal America
Neal Gorenflo is the executive director and co-founder of Shareable, an award-winning news, action, connection hub for the sharing transformation. In preparation for Shareable’s Fall 2019 series on sharing land, I created a timeline to get a better sense of the sweep and sequence of U.S. land use and housing policy (feel free to scrollContinue reading “Timeline of 100 years of racist housing policy that created a separate and unequal America”
How collective giving is transforming philanthropy
Nithin Coca is a freelance journalist who focuses on pressing social and environment issues, particularly in developing countries. A new wave is remaking philanthropy and giving across the United States and abroad, starting at the grassroots level. Community-led shared gifting, giving circles or, as they are referred to academically, collective giving, is growing rapidly. CollectiveContinue reading “How collective giving is transforming philanthropy”
Strategic Concept on How to Store Emails Safely
Edward Snowden’s revealings about unconstitutional, global surveillance by (American) intelligence agencies were a wake-up call for America and the world back in 2013. Since then, I tried to avoid unnecessary data in my communication channels and set up several internet pseudonyms to communicate more safely. With the internationalization of my company, I refined my conceptContinue reading “Strategic Concept on How to Store Emails Safely”
Pros, Cons, and Trends in Tiny House Living
Alexandra Frost is a Cincinnati-based freelance journalist and content marketing writer, focusing on health and wellness, parenting, education, and lifestyle. She has been published in Glamour, Today’s Parent, Reader’s Digest, Parents, Women’s Health, and Business Insider. If it’s tiny, it’s trendy. The tiny house movement has taken over amidst a surge of interest in minimalism,Continue reading “Pros, Cons, and Trends in Tiny House Living”
Native American new urbanism: How the poorest county in America created a vision for the future of cities
Trevor Decker Cohen is a writer and editor with a passion for shifting the narrative around climate change to one of hope and inspiration. He works as a content strategist and is the author of “Bright Green Future”. This article was adapted from Bright Green Future, a book that chronicles a global renaissance in people-poweredContinue reading “Native American new urbanism: How the poorest county in America created a vision for the future of cities”
How to start a community composting project
Brenda Platt directs the Composting for Community Initiative at the national nonprofit Institute for Local Self-Reliance, where she has worked 35 years promoting zero waste, non-burn solutions to trash. Frustrated your town doesn’t offer a way for you to compost your food scraps? Don’t despair. Get active. Composting is a proven way to address problemsContinue reading “How to start a community composting project”