Business Ideas
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We offer to follow our business ideas.
Please contact us by email for further details or send us a message using the contact form.
Company owners
If you already own a company, we can help you to increase your cash flow.
Please contact us by email for further details.
Private individuals
If you do not have a company yet, this may be the right time to start one.
Please contact us by email for further details.
Company foundation
We are specialized in creating a new company for you.
Bulgaria offers the lowest company taxes in the whole European Union.
Every citizen of the EU is entitled to create his own limited company in Bulgaria.
Take advantage of the favourable business conditions and get into contact with us.
We are your specialists for founding a limited company!
Why Bulgaria?
Bulgaria is a country in the south-eastern corner of the European continent.
Bulgaria has been a member of the United Nations since December 14, 1955, a member of NATO since March 29, 2004, and a member of the European Union (EU) since January 1, 2007.
Bulgaria has some of the lowest corporate income tax rates in the EU at a flat 10 % rate.
The Bulgarian National Bank issues the national currency, lev, which is pegged to the euro at a rate of 1.95583 levа per euro.
This strange exchange rate stems from the former pegging of the Bulgarian lev to the German Mark before the Euro was introduced.
Bulgaria has a civil law legal system.
Strong economic performance in the early 2000s reduced government debt from 79.6 % in 1998 to 14.1 % in 2008. It has since increased to 28.7 % of GDP by 2016, but remains the third lowest in the EU.
Clearly, Bulgaria is a legal tax haven inside the European Union like the Netherlands, Ireland (12.5 %), Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta (5 %), and Cyprus (12.5 % since 2019).
Basic business plan
To become financially independent, it is necessary to create your own company first.
“No billionaire made it through salary.”
This has a lot to do with legal issues like liability and possibilities to reduce the tax load by filing company expenses.
You can create your own, personal company with us or do it on your own.
As soon as your company is founded, we will provide you with a stable, monthly cash flow.
We can also make contact with a reliable tax accountant who will take care of the correct bookkeeping of your income and your expenses.
As soon as your income is higher than your expenses, we will suggest different investment ideas to provide you with a monthly, passive income.
Please contact us by email for further details.
“A penny saved is a penny earned” – Benjamin Franklin
CMS Sofia Lawyers
Kostadin Sirleshtov from CMS Law in Sofia and his team are leading lawyers concerning renewable energies.
They will also assist you with the formation of your Bulgarian company.
Please contact Kostadin Sirleshtov by phone, email, or visit their website:
Telephone +359 2 921 9942
Mobile +359 89 454 9827
Fax +359 2 921 9919
Email kostadin.sirleshtov@cmslegal.bg
Website: https://www.cms-lawnow.com
CMS Sofia Lawyers Partnership | 14 Tsar Osvoboditel blvd | Sofia 1000 |Bulgaria