New Section Introduction of Schmitt Trading Ltd

To learn more about Schmitt Trading Ltd, read the section Introduction of Schmitt Trading Ltd. Schmitt Trading Ltd has launched its new site Trading Robots on 19.10.2021, 18.45 CEST. We would love to keep you updated in the weeks to come. Please register with and follow our site! You can also follow us onContinue reading “New Section Introduction of Schmitt Trading Ltd”

Bitcoin: El Salvador’s grand experiment

El Salvador is likely to become the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. Momentum Fotograh/Shutterstock David Coker, University of Westminster Around the world, bitcoin has a mixed reputation. Owning and using the cryptocurrency is legal in a majority of nations, tolerated in many others, and outlawed by a relatively small number. El SalvadorContinue reading “Bitcoin: El Salvador’s grand experiment”

New V8 motor Chevrolet Performance ZZ632/1000

Chevrolet Performance Unveils 1,004-Horsepower ZZ632 Crate Engine by Jonathan Lopez — Oct 20, 2021 Earlier this week, Chevrolet Performance teased us with a brief video overlaid with the sound of some impressive internal combustion noise. Now, the go-fast brand has pulled the sheets on the source of that soundtrack, namely the new Chevrolet Performance ZZ632Continue reading “New V8 motor Chevrolet Performance ZZ632/1000”

Jurisdiction explained

Updated the site “Jurisdiction”: Jurisdiction (from Latin juris ‘law’ + dictio ‘declaration’) is the legal term for the authority granted to a legal entity to enact justice. Colloquially it is used to refer to the geographical area (situs: location of the issue. In federations like the United States, areas of jurisdiction apply to local,Continue reading “Jurisdiction explained”

Blockchains won’t fix internet voting security – and could make it worse

An e-ballot is less secure than one on paper. SvetaZi/ Ari Juels, Cornell University; Ittay Eyal, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and Oded Naor, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Looking to modernize voting practices, speed waiting times at the polls, increase voter turnout and generally make voting more convenient, many government officials –Continue reading “Blockchains won’t fix internet voting security – and could make it worse”

How to Embed iFrame Code in WordPress

When I tried to embed my trading statistics into my site, I could see the statistics page in the Edit-Mode of the page, but as soon as I published the changes, the statistics I embedded disappeared. Here is an important note from We have code restrictions at WordPress.COM. No javascript or iframe embedsContinue reading “How to Embed iFrame Code in WordPress”

Blockchain-based property registries may help lift poor people out of poverty

Many rural farmers in India lack clear ownership of the land they work and live on. AP Photo/Anupam Nath Nir Kshetri, University of North Carolina – Greensboro Many developing countries don’t have a working system of tracking property rights, and what they do have can be fragile and incomplete. In Haiti, for instance, a largeContinue reading “Blockchain-based property registries may help lift poor people out of poverty”

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