The blockchain is software that stores and transfers value or data across the internet. Image sourced from Philippa Ryan, University of Technology Sydney Companies around the world are exploring blockchain, the technology underpinning digital currency bitcoin. In this Blockchain unleashed series, we investigate the many possible use cases for the blockchain, from the novelContinue reading “Demystifying the blockchain: a basic user guide”
Category Archives: Blog Posts
The Elimination of Risk
Posted February 14, 2019 by Michael Batnick Earlier this week I moderated a session at Inside ETFs called “How to capture outperformance and manage risk.” Before tackling the challenges of outperformance, I wanted to ask everybody how they think about the amorphous concept of risk. The responses ran the gamut from “the chance of permanentContinue reading “The Elimination of Risk”
Blockchain is useful for a lot more than just Bitcoin
The distributed nature of blockchain networks make them useful for many applications. Shutterstock Mark Staples, Data61 Blockchain technology is not just useful for creating digital currencies such as Bitcoin or developing new financial technologies. Blockchains can be used for a wide variety of applications, such as tracking ownership or the provenance of documents, digital assets,Continue reading “Blockchain is useful for a lot more than just Bitcoin”
5 Reasons why Gold is not Dead
The gold price suffered some substantial losses during the past year. This is why some market participants declare that Gold is Dead. 1. Historical gold bull market For millennia, the place of gold and silver has been to serve as stores of value. They protect wealth better than any other investment. Look what happened in theContinue reading “5 Reasons why Gold is not Dead”
Blockchain could challenge the accepted ways we shape and manage society
tigerpixel, CC BY-NC-ND Phil Godsiff, University of Surrey In only a few years, digital currency bitcoin has emerged from the shadows to become something debated by politicians and pondered by economists. Now it is blockchain, the technology that makes bitcoin possible, that is having its moment in the sun: the UK government’s Chief Scientist SirContinue reading “Blockchain could challenge the accepted ways we shape and manage society”
Forget the American Dream – millions of working Americans still can’t afford food and rent
Retail employees such as cashiers are among the least-paid U.S. workers. AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee Jeffrey Kucik, University of Arizona and Don Leonard, The Ohio State University The Biden administration is likely celebrating a better-than-expected jobs report, which showed surging employment and wages. However, for millions of working Americans, being employed doesn’t guarantee a living income.Continue reading “Forget the American Dream – millions of working Americans still can’t afford food and rent”
The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement
This is the blog post that shows you how to be wealthy enough to retire in ten years. Here at Mr. Money Mustache, we talk about all sorts of fancy stuff like investment fundamentals, lifestyle changes that save money, entrepreneurial ideas that help you make money, and philosophy that allows you to make these changesContinue reading “The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement”
Blockchain – A Regulatory Unicorn?
Pat McConnell, Macquarie University Never one to let a bandwagon pass by, Greg Medcraft, the Chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), has enthusiastically hopped onto the Blockchain wagon. Mr Medcraft has seen the light and recently proclaimed “Blockchain is an important technology development that has the potential to change fundamentally the world’sContinue reading “Blockchain – A Regulatory Unicorn?”
Saving is For the Poor, Investing is For the Rich
Posted April 4, 2017 by Nick Maggiulli Now that my blog has gotten some traction among my friends, I have been getting questions like this more often: “Nick, I just saved up $1,000 and I want to know where I should invest it to get the best return.” Immediately I think about going into fullContinue reading “Saving is For the Poor, Investing is For the Rich”
Bitcoin might not change the world, but the blockchain that makes it work, might
Will the blockchain be what Bitcoin wasn’t. Sergey Tarasov Shutterstock David Glance, The University of Western Australia Digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin may have failed to unseat their more traditional rivals, but the technology that underpins Bitcoin may yet bring about a revolution in finance and other industries. This technology is called the “[blockchain](”. The blockchainContinue reading “Bitcoin might not change the world, but the blockchain that makes it work, might”