Vanessa Bates Ramirez is senior editor of Singularity Hub. She’s interested in renewable energy, health and medicine, international development, and countless other topics. It’s common consensus in the tech industry that the days of cars as we know them—powered by gas, driven by humans, and individually owned by all who want and can afford one—areContinue reading “Driverless and Electric, or Car-Free? The Cities Cutting Out Cars, and Why?”
Category Archives: Blog Posts
5 Areas We Should Invest in Now to Survive Climate Change Later
Thomas Hornigold is a physics student at the University of Oxford. Even if the world manages to keep to the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global mean temperatures to 2°C above pre-industrial levels, climate change is coming. The best way to protect ourselves from its effects is to drastically cut our emissions by deploying renewables,Continue reading “5 Areas We Should Invest in Now to Survive Climate Change Later”
Imagining the Smart Cities of 2050
Peter H. Diamandis, MD is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder and director of Singularity University. Tomorrow’s cities are reshaping almost every industry imaginable, and birthing those we’ve never heard of. Riding an explosion of sensors, megacity AI ‘brains’, high-speed networks, new materials and breakthrough green solutions, cities areContinue reading “Imagining the Smart Cities of 2050”
20 Technology Metatrends That Will Define the Next Decade
Peter H. Diamandis, MD is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder and director of Singularity University. In the decade ahead, waves of exponential technological advancements are stacking atop one another, eclipsing decades of breakthroughs in scale and impact. Emerging from these waves are 20 “metatrends” likely to revolutionize entireContinue reading “20 Technology Metatrends That Will Define the Next Decade”
7 Business Models Reshaping How We Work, Live, and Create Value
Peter H. Diamandis, MD is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder and director of Singularity University. Some of the most potent innovation taking place today does not involve breakthrough technologies, but rather the creation of fundamentally new business models. For most of history, these models were remarkably stable, dominatedContinue reading “7 Business Models Reshaping How We Work, Live, and Create Value”
Have Humans Evolved Beyond Nature—and Do We Even Need It?
Manuel Berdoy is a zoologist, born in France, who has had the privilege to work with animals such as primates in Africa, reptiles in America and seals and penguins in Antarctica. Such is the extent of our dominion on Earth, that the answer to questions around whether we are still part of nature, and whetherContinue reading “Have Humans Evolved Beyond Nature—and Do We Even Need It?”
After Coronavirus the World Will Never Be the Same. But Maybe, It Can Be Better
Vanessa Bates Ramirez is senior editor of Singularity Hub. She’s interested in renewable energy, health and medicine, international development, and countless other topics. Life has changed a lot in the past few days, weeks, or months, depending where you live. As efforts to contain the novel coronavirus ramp up, it’s likely going to change evenContinue reading “After Coronavirus the World Will Never Be the Same. But Maybe, It Can Be Better”
Coronavirus Is Changing How We Live, Work, and Use Tech—Permanently
Brianna Welsh is an entrepreneur focused on intersection of blockchain and AI and renewable energy. Within a week, many world leaders went from downplaying the seriousness of coronavirus to declaring a state of emergency. Even the most efficacious of nations seem to be simultaneously confused and exasperated, with delayed responses revealing incompetence and inefficiency theContinue reading “Coronavirus Is Changing How We Live, Work, and Use Tech—Permanently”
16 Ways Coronavirus May Change the Way We Look at the World
Carin Ism and Julien Leyre. Together with Carin Ism, Leyre is co-founder of the Future of Governance Agency (FOGA). Crisis. A situation where danger and opportunity intersect. In the last several weeks, we’ve heard and learned a lot about the danger and suffering caused by Covid-19. But opportunities are here too, and not only forContinue reading “16 Ways Coronavirus May Change the Way We Look at the World”
What Will the World Be Like After Coronavirus? Four Possible Futures
Simon Mair is a research fellow in Ecological Economics, Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, University of Surrey. Where will we be in six months, a year, ten years from now? I lie awake at night wondering what the future holds for my loved ones. My vulnerable friends and relatives. I wonder what willContinue reading “What Will the World Be Like After Coronavirus? Four Possible Futures”