5 Lessons from Leaving the 9-5 and Creating a Location Independent Lifestyle — Free At 50

Success is right in Victoria’s job description. Victoria J. Watson is a Success Coach and NLP Practitioner working with early stage female entrepreneurs living her dream being based between the city of Malaga in Spain and the UK. As you know, I believe a coach is a vital part of leaving the 9-5 and designing […]Continue reading “5 Lessons from Leaving the 9-5 and Creating a Location Independent Lifestyle — Free At 50”

Why is it important to build a legacy business today? — @Livewithirenia

https://open.spotify.com/embed-podcast/episode/3YU77Fdqaz6VBoWy67uOwV?si=MXD7f6r1TDOI3K-TSen6Ow As we kick-off International Women Day (#IWD2021), tomorrow, May 8, 2021, I am so excited to feature dynamic women on my podcast who are changing the landscape for us women in business.  I believe it is so important for us to remember to #choosetochallenge the norms to build great businesses for our families especially for ourContinue reading “Why is it important to build a legacy business today? — @Livewithirenia”

Compulsory Fingerprinting for German ID Cards from 02.08.2021

Fingerprinting for ID cards – what can be done? #NoFingerprintIDs by SVG > dunia cap jari peta No fingerprints on ID cards! #NoFingerprintIDs Datum: 30.07.2020 Newsletter abonnieren Drei Schritte: Link anklicken, E-Mail-Adresse eintragen, Bestätigungsmail beantworten. (diesen Artikel auf Deutsch lesen) As of August 2, 2021, voluntary fingerprinting will become compulsory: Against criticism from data protectionContinue reading “Compulsory Fingerprinting for German ID Cards from 02.08.2021”

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

WordPress is the most popular way to build a website. But despite its popularity, there’s one question that many new users still struggle with – what’s the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org? If you search for “WordPress” on Google, the two websites will rank #1 and #2. And if you’re new to WordPress, you might notContinue reading “WordPress.com vs WordPress.org”

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