Published 22.03.2021 by Schmitt Trading Ltd
Have you also wondered why you cannot find the information on the internet again although you remember the correct website?
In the early days of the internet, I learnt to use the browser bookmarks to memorize websites that contain important information for me.
I exported these browser bookmarks regularly and even included them in my memory backups.
Nevertheless, I noticed that many websites including official “big” websites regularly redesign their content structure.
Or even worse, they move to a new domain or a new subdomain with a different structure.
Sometimes, they seem to rename pages or delete complete archives.
At some point, I had enough and started creating my own internet archive.
This was the reason that – back in 2015 – I registered with and created radiofan79 in German language.
Meanwhile, I wrote over 700 blog posts:

In the blog posts, I only reblogged the information I found on the internet that I found interesting and worthy to remember and archive.
All personal content was structured in pages. In six years, I created more than 130 pages:

With this short report, I would like to encourage you to build your own and personal internet archive.
Start immediately to register with and start designing the way you like!
Let me know about your efforts and follow our site. I will in return follow your site and can see in my WordPress Reader which topics you published lately.
Give it a try!