The Stock Market Robot System 7.06 includes seven trading robots (Expert Advisor), which buy and sell on behalf of the customer:
0.1 Schmitti4 with 1 point = 1 €
0.1 EURUSDCCH4 with 1 point = 1 €
0.1 EURUSDCCH1 with 1 point = 1 €
0.1 GBPUSDCCH1 with 1 point = 1 €
1 DOWCCH1 with 1 point = 1 €
0.1 USDJPYCCH1 with 1 point = 1 €
0.1 NZDJPYCCH1 with 1 point = 1
- Highest yield, e.g. DOWCCH1
- Lowest drawdown, e.g. EURUSDCCH4
- Highest safety: all robots with Friday Close
Schmitt Trading Ltd rents such trading robots to investors who want to achieve a high yield with a passive investment.
Testing period: 01.01.2020 – 31.10.2021
Initial deposit: 14 000
Total Net Profit: 18 310
Balance drawdown maximal: 1 874 (13.39 %)

Estimated yearly return SMRS 7.06:
Initial deposit: 14 000
Total Net Profit: 9 987
Yearly return: 71.33 %
Our Stock Market Robot System is a limited rental offer which can only be ordered from Schmitt Trading Ltd. The offer consists of a server slot, the trading software and the trading robots.
The minimum investment amount is 14 000 €. The rent is 350 € per month.
This offer is aimed at people who manage their finances themselves and successfully generate considerable sums.