Finally, interesting uses for the blockchain that go beyond bitcoin

btckeychain, CC BY Paul Levy, University of Brighton Most people who have heard the term think that the “blockchain” is only something to do with cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, litecoin, doguecoin and others. It’s the technology that underpins digital currencies and ensures that all transactions are properly conducted and recorded. But what is stored onContinue reading “Finally, interesting uses for the blockchain that go beyond bitcoin”

Lyme disease protection: No vaccine yet, but an antibody shot could soon provide a season of immunity

Ticks can carry bacteria that cause Lyme disease. jwilkinson/iStock via Getty Images Plus Mark Klempner, University of Massachusetts Medical School Lyme disease has become an insidious epidemic in the United States. Caused by bacteria transmitted through the bite of an infected tick, it can lead to heart problems, meningitis or arthritis if left untreated. ItContinue reading “Lyme disease protection: No vaccine yet, but an antibody shot could soon provide a season of immunity”

The Simple Path to a Lucrative Career

It is always wise to be careful in choosing with whom you associate and do business. The older I get the more this has proven true. I’ve known Jonathan and Brad, the founders of ChooseFI, for a long time. I was one of their first podcast guests and have been honored to be invited backContinue reading “The Simple Path to a Lucrative Career”

Bitcoin’s blockchain could revolutionise more than just how we do business

Cryptocurrencies, another new way of doing business. Minerva Studio/Shutterstock Gordon Fletcher, University of Salford Efforts to explain Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general have generally focused on how they are both a new form of money as well as a challenge to existing forms of money. Cryptocurrencies are novel as they are only possible because ofContinue reading “Bitcoin’s blockchain could revolutionise more than just how we do business”

How can Bitcoin bridge the gap to our everyday lives?

Or not, as the case may be… Duncan Rawlinson, CC BY Sam Dallyn, University of Manchester Bitcoin has recently received favourable acknowledgement from Apple and significant recognition from the Bank of England, but it has just suffered another serious slump in value and some more fundamental questions are being raised about its future usefulness. AtContinue reading “How can Bitcoin bridge the gap to our everyday lives?”

New Series on Bitcoin and the Blockchain

We have started a series of blog posts about the bitcoin, the blockchain, and other topics related to cryptocurrencies. These articles were published on the news network “The Conversation” between 2014 and 2021 and are republished here under TheConversation’s free Creative Commons licence. We rate these articles as highly informative and republish them for educationalContinue reading “New Series on Bitcoin and the Blockchain”

Exploring the nascent future of Bitcoin (VIDEO)

The uses for Bitcoin are in their infancy and show signs of the “terrible twos” syndrome. Image sourced from David Glance, The University of Western Australia In terms of a life-cycle of technology, it is easy to see Bitcoin as being at the same developmental stage as babies going through the “terrible twos”. AllContinue reading “Exploring the nascent future of Bitcoin (VIDEO)”

What are stablecoins? A blockchain expert explains

Stablecoins promise more stability than other cryptocurrencies. DenBoma/iStock via Getty Images Stephen McKeon, University of Oregon Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency linked to an asset like the U.S. dollar that doesn’t change much in value. The majority of the dozens of stablecoins that currently exist use the dollar as their benchmark asset, but manyContinue reading “What are stablecoins? A blockchain expert explains”

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