Andrew Taggart is a practical philosopher and entrepreneur. He is a faculty member at the Banff Centre in Canada, where he trains creative leaders, and at Kaospilot in Denmark, where he trains social entrepreneurs. Imagine that work had taken over the world. It would be the centre around which the rest of life turned. ThenContinue reading “If Work Dominated Your Every Moment Would Life Be Worth Living?”
Monthly Archives: March 2022
These Are the Most Exciting Industries and Jobs of the Future
Raya Bidshahri is the Founder & CEO of Awecademy, an online platform that gives young minds the opportunity to learn, connect and contribute to human progress. We’ve all read the headlines: the robots are coming, and they will take our jobs. In fact, up to 45 percent of tasks workers perform can be automated using currentContinue reading “These Are the Most Exciting Industries and Jobs of the Future”
Why Should We Listen to Scientists?
Thomas Hornigold is a physics student at the University of Oxford. There’s a game young children like to play when they’re just beginning to learn how to interact with the world, talk to others, and indulge their natural curiosity: it’s called the “Why?” game. Take some natural phenomenon: Why is it raining? Why do peopleContinue reading “Why Should We Listen to Scientists?”
Driverless and Electric, or Car-Free? The Cities Cutting Out Cars, and Why?
Vanessa Bates Ramirez is senior editor of Singularity Hub. She’s interested in renewable energy, health and medicine, international development, and countless other topics. It’s common consensus in the tech industry that the days of cars as we know them—powered by gas, driven by humans, and individually owned by all who want and can afford one—areContinue reading “Driverless and Electric, or Car-Free? The Cities Cutting Out Cars, and Why?”
5 Areas We Should Invest in Now to Survive Climate Change Later
Thomas Hornigold is a physics student at the University of Oxford. Even if the world manages to keep to the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global mean temperatures to 2°C above pre-industrial levels, climate change is coming. The best way to protect ourselves from its effects is to drastically cut our emissions by deploying renewables,Continue reading “5 Areas We Should Invest in Now to Survive Climate Change Later”
5 easy steps to financial freedom
Company foundation in Bulgaria 2016 Bulgarian ID card 2018. Development of trading robots 2018/2019 in order to achieve a passive income. Cancellation of my hired job 2022. From now scaling my robot systems up. More information here: My latest tweets here: Here is my master plan: Company foundation in Bulgaria 2016 BulgarianID card 2018 DevelopmentContinue reading “5 easy steps to financial freedom”
5 einfache Schritte zu finanzieller Unabhängigkeit
Hier ist mein Masterplan: Firmengründung in Bulgarien 2016 Bulgarische ID card 2018 Entwicklung von Handelsrobotern 2018/2019 um ein passives Einkommen zu erzielen. Kündigung Angestelltenverhältnis 2022 Ab sofort Skalierung meiner Robotersysteme nach oben. Mehr Info hier: Meine neusten Blog Beiträge hier:
Imagining the Smart Cities of 2050
Peter H. Diamandis, MD is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder and director of Singularity University. Tomorrow’s cities are reshaping almost every industry imaginable, and birthing those we’ve never heard of. Riding an explosion of sensors, megacity AI ‘brains’, high-speed networks, new materials and breakthrough green solutions, cities areContinue reading “Imagining the Smart Cities of 2050”
20 Technology Metatrends That Will Define the Next Decade
Peter H. Diamandis, MD is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder and director of Singularity University. In the decade ahead, waves of exponential technological advancements are stacking atop one another, eclipsing decades of breakthroughs in scale and impact. Emerging from these waves are 20 “metatrends” likely to revolutionize entireContinue reading “20 Technology Metatrends That Will Define the Next Decade”
7 Business Models Reshaping How We Work, Live, and Create Value
Peter H. Diamandis, MD is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder and director of Singularity University. Some of the most potent innovation taking place today does not involve breakthrough technologies, but rather the creation of fundamentally new business models. For most of history, these models were remarkably stable, dominatedContinue reading “7 Business Models Reshaping How We Work, Live, and Create Value”