Achieving Financial Independence

Financial independence is a goal that many people strive for. It means having enough money to support yourself without having to rely on a job or other sources of income. Achieving financial independence can be a long and challenging journey, but it is possible with the right mindset and approach. In this article, we willContinue reading “Achieving Financial Independence”

Bitcoin Educational Post 46

Click here to jump to chapter 46 Additional Security Measures This series was originally published via Bitcoin Magazine. If you’d like to earn 2100 free sats, sign up for the email version here. Welcome to the world of Bitcoin! Through the lessons below, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what exactly this mysterious, revolutionary newContinue reading “Bitcoin Educational Post 46”

Bitcoin Educational Post 39

Click here to jump to chapter 39 How to Buy Bitcoin This series was originally published via Bitcoin Magazine. If you’d like to earn 2100 free sats, sign up for the email version here. Welcome to the world of Bitcoin! Through the lessons below, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what exactly this mysterious, revolutionaryContinue reading “Bitcoin Educational Post 39”

DoJ Operation Choke Point

I just learnt from Naomi Brockwell, that the US Department of Justice carried out an operation against bank account owners: Now let us add the protesting truckers in Canada and Nigel Farage who had his account blocked in the UK. Conclusion: it is not safe to stay in the system. Operation Choke Point Operation ChokeContinue reading “DoJ Operation Choke Point”

House value in Euros

Here is a very simple calculation of how much a house worth a fictitious 450,000 Euros is worth in Bitcoin: Date BTC/EUR House value Jul 01, 2023 26979,12 17 Jan 01, 2023 21305,56 21 Jan 01, 2022 34270,42 13 Jan 01, 2021 27316,10 16 Jan 01, 2020 8427,62 53 Jan 01, 2019 3020,30 149 JanContinue reading “House value in Euros”

Hauswert in Euro

Hier eine ganz einfache Rechnung, wieviel ein Haus im Wert von fiktiven 450 000 Euro in Bitcoin wert ist: Datum BTC/EUR Hauswert Jul 01, 2023 26979,12 17 Jan 01, 2023 21305,56 21 Jan 01, 2022 34270,42 13 Jan 01, 2021 27316,10 16 Jan 01, 2020 8427,62 53 Jan 01, 2019 3020,30 149 Jan 01, 2018Continue reading “Hauswert in Euro”

How a Bitcoin standard could solve the problem of inflation

A Bitcoin standard is a hypothetical monetary system where the value of a currency is tied to the value of Bitcoin. Similar to the gold standard, where the value of the currency was tied to the price of gold, a Bitcoin standard would mean that the currency would be backed by Bitcoin and have aContinue reading “How a Bitcoin standard could solve the problem of inflation”

Wie ein Bitcoin-Standard das Problem Inflation lösen könnte

Ein Bitcoin-Standard ist eine hypothetische Währungsordnung, bei der der Wert einer Währung an den Wert von Bitcoin gebunden ist. Ähnlich dem Goldstandard, bei dem der Wert der Währung an den Goldpreis gebunden war, würde ein Bitcoin-Standard bedeuten, dass die Währung durch Bitcoin gedeckt wäre und einen festen Wert hätte. Das Hauptproblem, das ein Bitcoin-Standard beiContinue reading “Wie ein Bitcoin-Standard das Problem Inflation lösen könnte”

The FIAT monetary system explained using a practical example

The FIAT monetary system refers to the currently dominant global monetary system, where currencies do not derive their value from a physical asset like gold or silver but rather from the trust in the government or central bank that issues the currency. The term “FIAT” comes from Latin and means “let it be done.” InContinue reading “The FIAT monetary system explained using a practical example”

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