Malaria elimination: South Africa needs to regroup and refocus to get there

South Africa has mobile malaria border surveillance units working with communities and in highly mobile migrant populations. Photo: Jaishree Raman Jaishree Raman, National Institute for Communicable Diseases In recent years South Africa has made significant progress in its effort to eliminate malaria. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists it as one of the countries thatContinue reading “Malaria elimination: South Africa needs to regroup and refocus to get there”

Ban Pegasus Spyware

Recently, new accusations appeared that the Spanish government had spied on Catalan parliament members using the Pegasus Spyware. On our website, we publish basic information on this spyware and keep a list of countries that applied Pegasus already. In our opinion, any government using Pegasus should be rejected and the people should call for newContinue reading “Ban Pegasus Spyware”

Video von Marc Friedrich über Zwangshypotheken

Video von Marc Friedrich Website: Lastenausgleich und Vermögensregister – werden wir alle enteignet? May 11, 2022 Droht eine Zwangssteuer in Form eines Lastenausgleichs? Wie war das in der Vergangenheit? Wer ist vor allem betroffen? Wie kann man sich schützen? Was plant die Regierung und was hat es mit dem Vermögensregister der EU auf sich?Continue reading “Video von Marc Friedrich über Zwangshypotheken”

Why Bulgaria and Poland can withstand Russia cutting off their gas supply

Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading Russian energy giant Gazprom has completely cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. Both countries are apparently being punished for refusing Russia’s demand that they pay for their gas in roubles. Other EU countries have also refused to pay in Russian currency (doing so would provide a boost toContinue reading “Why Bulgaria and Poland can withstand Russia cutting off their gas supply”

Why Russia has put the rouble on a gold standard – but it’s unlikely to last

Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading The Bank of Russia, the country’s central bank, has surprisingly announced a fixed price for buying gold with roubles. With a price of RUB5,000 (£45.12) for a gram of gold, to my knowledge it’s the first time that a nation’s currency has been expressed in “gold parity” since Switzerland decidedContinue reading “Why Russia has put the rouble on a gold standard – but it’s unlikely to last”

Information Video about Perovskite Solar Cells

In the video below, a new technology how to build solar cells will be explained in detail. Here some basic explanation: Perovskite solar cell A perovskite solar cell (PSC) is a type of solar cell which includes a perovskite-structured compound, most commonly a hybrid organic-inorganic lead or tin halide-based material, as the light-harvesting active layer.[1][2]Continue reading “Information Video about Perovskite Solar Cells”

6 Gründe warum Aktien nicht vor Inflation schützen

Aktien gelten als Schutz in inflationären Zeiten – acht Phasen in der Geschichte zeigen aber, dass Sparer hier genau hinsehen sollten Bei hohen Inflationsraten schrumpft das Vermögen. Aktien sind Sachwerte, folglich wird ihnen von vielen ein automatischer Schutz vor der Teuerung zugesprochen. In der Praxis ist das aber nicht so einfach. Michael Ferber 09.05.2022, 05.30Continue reading “6 Gründe warum Aktien nicht vor Inflation schützen”

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