5 easy steps to financial freedom

Company foundation in Bulgaria 2016 Bulgarian ID card 2018. Development of trading robots 2018/2019 in order to achieve a passive income. Cancellation of my hired job 2022. From now scaling my robot systems up. More information here: My latest tweets here: Here is my master plan: Company foundation in Bulgaria 2016 BulgarianID card 2018 DevelopmentContinue reading “5 easy steps to financial freedom”

5 einfache Schritte zu finanzieller Unabhängigkeit

Hier ist mein Masterplan: Firmengründung in Bulgarien 2016 Bulgarische ID card 2018 Entwicklung von Handelsrobotern 2018/2019 um ein passives Einkommen zu erzielen. Kündigung Angestelltenverhältnis 2022 Ab sofort Skalierung meiner Robotersysteme nach oben. Mehr Info hier: Meine neusten Blog Beiträge hier:

3 easy Steps to Get Started with Bitcoin

Go to bitcoin.org. Install a bitcoin wallet on your smartphone. Search for a bitcoin ATM (e.g. by https://coinatmradar.com) and pay some money into the ATM to send it to your wallet. To learn more about bitcoins, read the full story here… To learn more about the technical details of bitcoin, read the Satoshi Nakamoto WhitepaperContinue reading “3 easy Steps to Get Started with Bitcoin”

Improved Electrolyzer for efficient Hydrogen Generation

Easy aluminum nanoparticles for rapid, efficient hydrogen generation from water Provided by University of California – Santa Cruz18 February 2022 Aluminum is a highly reactive metal that can strip oxygen from water molecules to generate hydrogen gas. Its widespread use in products that get wet poses no danger because aluminum instantly reacts with air toContinue reading “Improved Electrolyzer for efficient Hydrogen Generation”

Germany: The world’s dumbest energy policy

This overhasty and ideologically charged energy policy is clearly reflected above all in the rapidly rising electricity prices. In parallel, the price of gas has quadrupled and German gas storage facilities are at an all-time low. This is not only what I say, but also what the Wall Street Journal says. This overhasty and ideologicallyContinue reading “Germany: The world’s dumbest energy policy”

Deutschland: Die dümmste Energiepolitik der Welt

Deutlich spiegelt sich diese überhastete und ideologisch aufgeladene Energiepolitik vor allem in den rasant steigenden Strompreisen wider. Parallel hat sich der Gaspreis vervierfacht und die deutschen Gasspeicher sind so leer wie nie. Von Marc Friedrich veröffentlicht am 17.01.2022 Das sage nicht nur ich, sondern auch das Wall Street Journal. Deutlich spiegelt sich diese überhastete undContinue reading “Deutschland: Die dümmste Energiepolitik der Welt”

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are generally not issued by any central authority, rendering them theoretically immune toContinue reading “What Is Cryptocurrency?”

Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Explained

This article was originally published by Saveonenergy.com on 01/25/2022 Home solar energy solar tax credit What is the Solar Investment Tax Credit? In 2022, the solar investment tax credit, or ITC, offers a federal tax credit of 26% when you install solar panels on your property. The ITC has many names. When doing your research,Continue reading “Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Explained”

Digital Rupee to be issued by Indian RBI

India: Digital Rupee to be issued by RBI; Gains from digital assets to be taxed at 30% Lavina DaryananiFebruary 1, 2022 Think of this situation – It is eight in the evening and there is an announcement made that from here on, all rupee notes are being withdrawn and replaced with a digital currency calledContinue reading “Digital Rupee to be issued by Indian RBI”

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