Following this tutorial on Email Marketing, we decided to administer our email subscriptions with an external email service provider.
We found a match in two advertising articles, Constant Contact, but did not pick it because of missing support.
Instead, we registered with HubSpot on 28.01.2022:
We installed the HubSpot All-in-One Marketing – Forms, Pop-ups, Live Chat WordPress plugin on our website
The out-of-the-box installation of the plugin automatically installed the HubSpot tracking code on our WordPress website.
As the website with the pages and blog posts was already finished, the tracking code was injected by the plugin.
From now on, the email subscription on our website goes into HubSpot.
The very easy email subscription workflow goes like this:

Enter your email address in the subscription field and confirm with Subscribe:

Check your email inbox and confirm the subscription:

The confirmation is sent to your email box: