Image courtesy of Aircharge
Now that new iPhone models that feature Qi wireless charging are in the hands of consumers, it seems wireless charging will become even more pervasive in public locations than it is today. Soon, everywhere people go, they won’t have to struggle with having to carry wired chargers and hunting for power outlets as they worry about running out of battery power. This promise just got closer to reality with Apple’s commitment to Qi wireless charging.
Today, there are already thousands of Qi wireless charging spots in public spaces such as hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, retail stores, airports, on buses, on trains, train and bus stations, offices, health clubs, and events and exhibitions. Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) members such as Aircharge, Chargifi, Kube Systems, Wyless and Zens have been busy installing wireless charging points every day in more than 25 countries.
Image courtesy of Aircharge
The pace of these deployments will grow quickly now that even more smartphone manufacturers have all united behind Qi wireless charging. Today, there are already over 90 Qi certified smartphones, including the newly announced iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, and the Samsung Galaxy range. These smartphones can be charged wirelessly by simply placing them on a surface charger, while phones that don’t have built-in wireless charging capabilities can still benefit from wireless charging thanks to the use of wireless charging accessories that can be added to a device.
The value of Qi wireless charging is that consumers are able to power their mobile devices wirelessly throughout the course of the day without the need for carrying chargers, cables or battery packs. As we have all become increasingly dependent on mobile devices, we’ve all also been affected by their limited battery life. For most of us, that means we now likely require to charge our battery more than once per day, with the challenge of finding accessible power sources when on the go.
Today, there are thousands of Qi wireless charging locations where consumers can access instant, free power. Of the locations available, McDonald’s with partner Aircharge has deployed the largest number of charging spots to date with Qi wireless charging at more than 400 UK restaurants and deployments beginning in 14 other countries. While most Qi wireless locations exist in Europe, we now are seeing the Qi wireless charging ecosystem expanding in installations in Asia and in the US, and this will only progress faster on the heels of the iPhone integration.
Now, with the clear commitment by smartphone manufacturers to the Qi standard and the fact that WPC member companies have already succeeded in bringing wireless charging into 80 car models, countless public locations, offices and homes, soon consumers will see Qi wireless charging spots implemented in even more retail, restaurants, bars, coffee shops and transportation depots. With Qi wireless charging everywhere consumers go, the fear of running out of battery power for your phone may become a thing of the past.
Source: https://www.wirelesspowerconsortium.com/blog/280/qi-wireless-charging-everywhere-its-coming loaded 13.1.2018