Whether you’re exposed only to traditional investment assets apart from cryptocurrencies, or you have some interest in investing in cryptocurrencies for the first time, you might really want to understand why you should invest in cryptocurrencies or crypto. You’ve likely read or heard about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin, Litecoin, NEO, Ethereum, XRP, Alias (formerly known as “Spectrecoin”), NXT, Bitcoin Cash, etc.—but why invest in crypto anyway? By getting a general overview, it will be easier to understand why you should invest in cryptocurrencies. This article discusses ten reasons why you should invest in cryptocurrencies, especially on a long-term basis. (Featured Image Credit: Pixabay.com.)
Wouldn’t you agree that a doctor is not rich if he earns $500,000 a year, but spends over $750,000 per year and struggles to make ends meet? Certainly, anybody who spends money this way would make life a bit difficult for themself. At the other end of the ladder between poverty and wealth, some people live on less than a few dollars per day, don’t have modern conveniences, walk several miles each day to get clean drinking water, and even cook all their food by burning wood with fire! So poverty and wealth can’t be defined only by how much income you make or what you have: poverty and wealth are much more than just a context or concept. (Featured Image Credit: Pixabay.com.)
Search engines were designed to understand, discover, and organize the internet’s content in order to provide the best search results to search queries made by searchers. Not all domain owners know whether their site’s pages have been discovered by search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, etc.); many don’t even know how to make a quick check.
Before a domain’s pages can show up in any search engine’s results, its content has to be first be discovered, interpreted, and recorded, or indexed by search engines. If your domain or site can’t be found by search engines, then it won’t be possible for its pages to show up on any search engine results pages (SERPs).
This article discusses how search engines gather information from across the internet by the process of “crawling”, and how you can find out whether your domain’s pages are in a search engine’s index. Before we go there, let’s first discuss how search engines work by crawling on domains before relevant pages can be found, indexed, and recorded.
How Search Engines work by Crawling
Crawling is a process whereby search engines continuously use robots called spiders and crawlers to access URLs or links and discover new and updated content in any format (Word documents, PDFs, videos, web pages, images, etc.) on the internet.
For instance, Google, which is the most widely used search engine, uses its Googlebot or web crawler to gather few of a domain’s web pages and follows the path of the web pages’ URLs to discover new URLs; by generally utilizing the path of the URL’s or links, the Googlebot crawler is able to discover new content and supply it to its index called “Caffeine” which is a gigantic database of discovered URLs.
When searchers seek for information on Google, it is from Caffeine that Google selects the information that is the best match and displays it on its search engine page results.
Three Main Functions of Search Engines
Generally, search engines work by doing three major functions: (1) crawling, (2) indexing, and (3) content or page ranking. During crawling, each search engine hovers around the internet to interpret and find content or domain pages associated which each URL that can be accessed.
During indexing, search engines organize and record or save content discovered during crawling. During content or page ranking, search engines provide search results to queries made by searchers, and arrange content from the most relevant content at the top, downwards to the least relevant content on the next and bottom search engine result pages.
When anyone searches for a keyword or keywords on a search engine, the search engine hovers over its index for highly relevant content and orders them from the most relevant to the least relevant on its results pages, with the aim of providing information or solutions to each query.
The ordering of search results from the most relevant to least relevant is known as “ranking”. It can be rightly assumed that the more a search engine perceives that a domain’s content is relevant to a query, the more the search engine would rank it higher on its results pages.
To find out if a search engine has your domain’s pages, go to its search box and type “site:yourdomain”, and click “search”
Your domain or site has to be crawled and indexed by a search engine before its content can show up in the search engine’s results pages (SERPs). It would be a good idea to find out how many of your domain’s pages have been crawled and indexed by a search engine; the results would confirm whether the search has indexed your domain’s pages and has been discovering new pages on your site whenever you publish content.
To find out if your domain’s pages have been indexed by a search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.), go to the search engine’s search box and type “site:yourdomain”, and the search engine will either provide results or not provide any results; either way, it would confirm whether or not it has indexed your site. Figure 1 below shows the Google search results for “site:schmitt-trading.com”, while figures 2 and 3 show the Bing and Yahoo search results for “site:motivationenvironment.com”
Figure 1: Google search results for “site:schmitt-trading.com”
Figure 2: Bing search results for “site:motivationenvironment.com”
Figure 3: Yahoo search results for “site:motivationenvironment.com”
The number of results shown by a search engine gives an idea of a domain or site’s pages that have been crawled and indexed, and how they are showing up at the moment in search results. To get more accurate results, use the Index Coverage report in Google Search Console. You can sign up for free on Google Search Console, and also submit your site to Yahoo and Bing respectively.
If your domain’s pages are not showing up in a search engine’s search results pages, then it could be because of any of the following reasons:
1. Your domain is new and hasn’t been crawled and indexed by the search engine.
2. There are no other websites that have linked to any of your domain’s pages.
3. Your domain makes it difficult for a search engine’s robot to crawl it effectively.
4. Search engines have detected some basic code or crawler directives that have been blocking search engines from crawling on your domain.
5. Google has penalized your domain for using spammy tactics.
If you want your domain’s pages or content to be discovered by search engines, ensure that your domain’s content is accessible to search engines’ crawlers, and can be indexed, otherwise, it will remain invisible. Note: you can submit your domain to Google Search Console, and also to Yahoo and Bing respectively.
The world of real estate investing can be very intimidating and challenging, especially for people who have either little or no experience, or are just getting started in real estate investing. Each real estate practitioner or professional has their own level of experience and goals: some people who are at the beginning of their real estate investing career would like to know how to invest in real estate, and others who haven’t started practicing would like to know how to start investing in real estate. The content of this article provides relevant information that can enlighten you on how to get into real estate investing and increase your chances of building your career and wealth and minimizing losses or failure. (Featured Image Credit: Pixabay.com.)
Charlie Munger on What are the Traits of Good Investors? | Caltech 2020【C:C.M Ep.113】 by YAPSS In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked what are the traits of good investors and how should investing be taught at CalTech?” YAPSS Takeaway: Good investors have; the combination of patience and aggression, a strong self-awareness on things that […]
One of the reasons why most clients look for a trustworthy realtor is because they know what it takes to be at the top of their game, and how to be a great real estate agent. No two real estate agents are the same, and each real estate agent might not be able to meet every client’s need(s). Clients know this; as a result, they look for certain subtle or obvious qualities in real estate agents before placing their trust in them. So what makes a top or great real estate agent? What qualities do clients look for when they meet a real estate agent in the hope that the meeting would result in great benefits? This article provides a list of 12 major qualities of a top real estate agent. (Featured Image Credit: Pixabay.com.)
Knowing what tags and categories are and the difference between them can help you understand how to apply them to your posts before publishing. Tags and categories have some benefits mainly that they help interested readers find out how to continue reading similar topics on your site or blog.
If you don’t select tag and category because you are not interested in doing so, or it doesn’t fit with the content of the post you want to publish, it will be automatically assigned to “uncategorized” or any title you change “uncategorized” to.
If your blog or site is structured in a way that all your posts belong to only one category—or they are “uncategorized”—a new reader or visitor who isn’t familiar with your site may find it hard to navigate it without clicking on categories because none has been created.
Although categories are important, having too many of them may confuse the reader; therefore, it is advisable to have only a minimum number of categories that would be really important; try to assign each post to only one category.
In a situation where you have to assign more than one category to one post, assign at most two or three categories to a post, and don’t create a category just for the fun of it—don’t create any category that you won’t use or write anything related to in the future.
Unlike categories that are designed to have a broader purpose, tags were designed to have a more specific purpose: for the purpose of navigation, readers or visitors depend a lot on tags in the same way that they depend on keywords when making searches on search engines.
Long phrases can be used as tags which help to link similar or related posts together, and assist readers in navigating a site. If you create a category and assign it to a post that isn’t appropriate for it, the result is that it may worsen user experience by leading users astray, thus increasing bounce rate and lowering your site’s search engine ranking.
By understanding the major differences between tags and categories, and how they work, you can use them to your advantage and make it easier for visitors and search engines to navigate your site or blog. Before we look at the benefits of using tags and categories, let’s briefly discuss the major differences between tags and categories.
Major Differences between Tags and Categories
One major difference between tags and categories is that tags were not designed to be assigned to posts, but all posts were designed to be assigned to a category; in fact, they are always assigned to a category. If you don’t assign a post to a category, your posts will automatically be assigned to “uncategorized” or any title you change “uncategorized” to.
In terms of directing users or readers on sites, tags are more specific, while categories are less specific—they are broad: each site or blog is like a book in which tags are like items/indexes in the book, and categories are like the chapters in the book: by taking a look at the title of each category (chapter), a reader would be able to get an idea about how a site (book) is structured or organized, and the type of subjects/niches covered on the book (site or blog). If the owner of the site or blog (author of the book) changes, adds or removes any categories (chapters), it would change the structure of the site or blog (book).
Usually, tags can have more words and be much longer than categories, while categories usually have one or few words.
From the perspective of a user or visitor, if a tag is changed, added, or removed, the structure of a site or blog won’t be affected as much as it would if a category is changed, added, or removed: changing, adding, or removing a tag (item/index) from a site (book) won’t affect the structure of the site (book) as much as it would if a category (chapter) is changed, added, or removed from the site (book).
Benefits of Using Tags and Categories
Tags and categories can boost your SEO, provide a better user experience, and increase the amount of time users spend on your site, thereby reducing the bounce rate because of extra time spent by users on your site your blog.
Tags and categories serve as an indicator to search engines: they help search engines interpret what the topics on your site are all about; this can help your site to rank for those keywords in the tags and categories.
Tag and categories can link your popular posts to other posts on your site if other sites and high-quality websites have created a link to your popular posts; this can help increase your site ranking on search engine result pages.
Tags and categories provide more alternatives to navigate a site, and can thus help users or readers easily navigate your site.
Tags and categories can help users or readers easily find important or relevant topics on your site or blog.
Although the main purpose of tags and categories is to help regular readers navigate sites, if you use them appropriately, they can boost your search engine ranking and help new visitors understand the subjects/niches or types of posts that can be found on your site, especially if they spend more time navigating on it.
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