Starting a blog can seem overwhelmingly complicated. The internet is host to huge amounts of information; step-by-step guides, articles, blog posts, Pinterest Pins. But most of the information available online is written by professionals who have been in the business for years and know everything there is to know about starting a blog. I started…
Charlie Munger on Mistakes to Avoid in Life. | [C:C.M Ep.34] by YAPSS In this episode, Charlie Munger shared his mistake that could have double the Mungers present net worth and Mozart mistakes in life. And what can we learn from it? In this episode, you’ll learn: – What are the life mistakes you should […]
If you’re interested in creating unique content that many sources would continuously link to, and initiate a link building campaign that could make your site occupy top positions on search engine results pages (SERPs), then you need to know what link building is about, and how important it is for SEO.
Research shows that link building is a major factor that makes websites rank high on Google’s pages. Knowledge of the importance of link building can always inspire you to create high-quality content which can outshine top-ranking web pages from other sites, and secure top positions for your site on Google.
The right way to build links that would sustain your site and business, in the long run, is to earn link building instead of buying it or using manipulative tactics such as “black-hat SEO” which can get your site removed from the search results.
It’s very possible to create content that can make visitors and sites link back to your site, and increase your site’s link building: you can achieve this feat by putting in the necessary effort to make your site link-worthy. Great and relevant content is always capable of making visitors and sites reference other sites that are managed from any part of the world.
When search engines crawl each site on the internet, they extract content available on its pages and add it to their (the search engines’) indexes. By doing so, they assess whether a web page has sufficient quality and should be ranked high or low because of its quality and keywords; but search engines don’t only focus on the quality of content on a web page, they also focus on the number of links that link back (create link building) to the site.
Link building is created from external sites; the more high-quality websites that link back to a site, the more its web page or pages would rank high in search engine results. That said, it is important to note that not all the links (that link back to a site) are created equal: links from authoritative sites help a site rank higher than links from sites that are yet to gain any reputation on the internet.
But, What is Link Building in SEO?
In search engine optimization, link building is a process whereby sites link back (create backlinks) to a site. If you create great content that is capable of initiating link building (backlinks) from other sites, then it means that those sites would link back to your site. Link building can increase the chances for your web pages to rank higher.
Why Should You Initiate Link Building?
Take your time to create great content that can be valuable enough to initiate link building which still continues to be an important factor search engines use to determine sites or pages that deserve to occupy their top positions.
Link building serves as proof to Google that a site has high-quality content, and is considered to be worthy of citation, especially from visitors and reputable sites. Therefore, sites that have more backlinks tend to rank higher on search engines.
The Following are 8 Reasons Why Link Building is Important for Your Site
1. Link building can increase your site’s exposure or visibility, help you reach an audience on the internet, regardless of their physical geographical location; and it can support lead generation, and create other benefits stated in the other 7 reasons listed below. An increase in exposure can have a great positive impact on your site, brand, or business, and quickly help establish your site on the internet.
2. Link building can increase traffic to your site; it’s one of the most relevant ways to attract audiences and backlinks from reputable sites and visitors that are interested in your content. By creating high-quality content that contains the right keywords and qualities of SEO-friendly URLs, you can be able to target relevant audiences and niches and increase traffic from external sources.
3. Link building can improve your site’s rank on search engines. Google states that: “In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages”. In other words, Google uses link building to determine how popular a site is, and they rank a site based on link building: the sites that have more backlinks tend to rank higher on search engines.
4. Link building can make your site credible because it indicates that a site is authoritative and highly recognized on the internet. Since the aim of all search engines is to provide users with the most relevant content and results, they consider the number of quality links directed towards each site or their pages; the more that links are directed towards a site, the higher that search engines rate the credibility of that site.
5. Link building can build or promote the brand of your site. Strong link building tells search engines that your content is highly relevant; based on this, search engines regard your site as an authority in its field or niche. By promoting your brand and expertise, you can convince people to find out more about the content, goods, or services offered on your site.
6. Link building can help you build relationships, reach out to other sites or businesses, and pass information about new content, activities, or promotions related to your business. Generally, link building can help you foster mutually beneficial long-term relationships with other sites or businesses.
7. Link building can attract more sales and generate revenue opportunities to your site; it can also enhance your referral business—if you have any: your sales can experience a boost if other sites link to your site because of how relevant its content is.
In addition, a boost in sales can easily bring back customers in the future.
8. Link building can reduce the bounce rate on your site. When someone visits a site and “bounces off” without viewing content, clicking a link, making a purchase, filling a form, or taking any action, then the person has made a “bounce”. Bounce rate is the percentage of your visitors that bounce off from a site.
Conclusion: To Initiate and Enhance Link Building on Your Site, You have to Create Original and Useful Content
In order to build links (link building), you need to earn links (link earning). You have to create something valuable in order to initiate link building: link building usually starts with content that is worth linking to. It’s almost impossible or very difficult to build links to low-quality content or web pages; on the other hand, if you have content that is valuable to people, and share-worthy, it’ll be much easier to initiate and enhance link building.
After 12 months of conducting research on 450 Burkinabé children, researchers from the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute recently discovered that an experimental vaccine produced to tackle the most life-threatening form of malaria parasite had between 74% and 77% efficacy against malaria in the children. This milestone comes after decades of obtaining unsatisfactory results, and the discovery has resurrected hopes that an effective vaccine can be produced to tackle malaria which kills an estimated 400,000 people per annum, mostly children.
Halidou Tinto, who is a principal investigator at the study location and parasitologist at the Institute for Health Sciences Research (Nanoro, Burkina Faso), stated that the discovery is astonishing because the efficacy achieved in the research on 450 children has never been achieved by any malaria vaccine candidate. Three doses of vaccine were given at 4 weeks intervals to the children aged between 5 months and 17 months, and a booster dose was given to them at 12 months.
The booster dosage restored the children even though their respective antibodies to malaria declined over 12 months. Among 146 children who were administered a sample of the vaccine containing a high dose of an immune-boosting compound, 38 of them developed malaria; among 147 children who were administered with rabies vaccine, 105 of them also developed malaria. The efficacy which was initially 77% efficacy against malaria, dropped to 74% in children who were administered the vaccine that had a lesser dose of the immune-boosting compound.
On hearing about the results of the research, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director of Global Malaria Programme, Pedro Alonso, responded by saying it is “very positive news.” However, he noted stated that the research was conducted on 450 children, and the results are still far off from the type of results that would make them get too excited. In a plan to conduct research on a larger study group, researchers intend to enroll 4,800 children in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, and Tanzania and involve them in a phase 3 trial study which is expected to start later this year.
The study’s chief investigator, Adrian Hill stated that all things being equal, results from the planned research could be presented to regulators in the late part of 2022 to seek approval of same in early 2023, and hopefully, if the results facilitate approval, emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for malaria vaccines will be issued as was the case for COVID-19 vaccines.
The research used the malaria vaccine which is produced in yeast, and consists of hepatitis B surface protein joined together with a piece of protein that overlays the surface of malaria parasites when they initially enter a human body. The group of Oxford researchers has collaborated with Serum Institute of India which is producing vaccines for the planned phase 3 trial and has promised to make 200 million doses in the years ahead. Chief investigator, Adrian Hill, stated that the cost per dose of vaccine will be lesser than it has ever been before.
Prior to the success of this recent malaria vaccine study, the highest level of efficacy ever achieved for a vaccine against malaria was 56% after 12 months. This efficacy was for Mosquirix produced by GlaxoSmithKline; unfortunately, after 4 years of being developed, its efficacy against malaria reduced to 36%. Vaccine developers have been facing challenges to achieve higher efficacy because of malaria parasites’ complicated life cycle and changing surface proteins; on the other hand, the World Health Organization has urged vaccine developers to develop vaccines that would hopefully reduce malaria cases by 75% by the year 2030.
Despite the results achieved by the Oxford group of researchers, some people have been concerned and skeptical about what they refer to as “deficiencies” in regard to some of the data used in research; as a result, they have advised that researchers should tread with caution because there is no certainty that the vaccine will compete effectively against all parasites. Rhoel Dinglasan, who studies malaria at the University of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute, noted that the efficacy of the GlaxoSmithKline malaria vaccine, which was much higher when it was initially produced, had reduced to 33.4%.
In today’s world, nobody can underestimate the importance of owning a domain and having a strong internet or online presence, especially when it has been known to expose people’s businesses and marketable ideas to the world and make them rich or famous. In the present day, what usually happens is that online visitors or potential customers search the internet or World Wide Web for ideas, products, or services that are being offered by people who own domains.
You need a domain to offer products or services. Having a domain is a great resource in this digital age because it serves as a passport that can enable the owner to participate in a wide range of activities on the internet which is one of the most powerful tools of communication ever invented by mankind. Having a domain on the internet is highly valuable, and will continue to be valuable over time.
With most of the world’s shopping taking place on the World Wide Web, the traditional way of marketing has changed drastically, and one of the best and easiest ways to reach out to the public is by getting yourself a domain that should be filled with relevant, helpful, and unique information. The internet is quite easy to navigate through, if you own a domain—especially if it has the potential to grow continuously—then you could drastically increase your chances of making money or becoming popular online and around the world.
The Importance of Owning a Domain: 7 Reasons:
1. It is important to own a domain because it can make your business visible online, give it a more professionally credible outlook, and further separate you from multitudes of other types of businesses that are either offline (physical) or online (digital): a domain will make online visitors more aware of what you have to offer, and it can continuously attract customers in increasing numbers in the future.
2. It is important to own a domain because it can help establish the unique identity of your business, enhance your online reputation, and present your business goals in a forward-thinking way, thus showcasing you as a visionary, regardless of whether you provide free information or sell products. Your domain can accommodate and highlight many aspects of your professional life, reveal your working history and examples of your work or accomplishments, and plans for the present and future.
3. It is so important to own a domain because it can provide a platform for you to monetize your skills, ideas, or products. Owning a domain can allow your business (selling, buying, freelancing, etc.) to thrive, no matter how you move around, or where you move to; even if you move from one country to another, or from one part of the world to another, you can still make money from your domain and continue building your business or brand without having to start all over from the scratch—if you change your physical location.
4. It is so important to own a domain because it can increase your ranking and popularity on search engines (like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) which are major pathways to the wide internet world. If you can succeed in building your business by making it useful to people’s lives, then your domain will become more visible and popular on search engines, thereby attracting more and more visitors, and customers. Google (the greatest search engine giant or platform) likes domains and could rank your domain high if you do the right things: doing the right things can give you money, satisfaction, and fame. Although it is almost impossible to predict how Google’s algorithm coordinates its search results, it is believed by many SEO professionals that if you use relevant and popularly searched keywords, and provide helpful information or services, you could attract the attention of Google and increase your ranking and chances of making internet visitors find you and your domain.
5. It is so important to own a domain because it can help you develop a competitive edge over your competitors who are in the same niche or sector as you: having a domain would put you or your brand on the same level-playing field as giant brands or companies, and help you compete alongside your competitors, even if they are greater than you at the moment.
6. It is so important to own a domain because you can use it as a centralized location for all your social media platforms or profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. Generally speaking, your domain can serve as the center for outreach to various aspects of your digital life on different social media platforms—if have an account on any of them. Information is likely much more secure on domains than on social media networks. You can share your ideas, content, or services in one place (on your domain) and send it out at once to all your social media networks: all your content that is scattered across the internet can be put in a single and centralized location—on your domain.
7. It is so important to own a domain because it can help you to attract clients, employers, and job recruiters, especially those who are interested in content production, digital marketing, or digital media. Creating unique and relevant content on your domain can reflect much about your personality, and be an important asset that could draw the attention of people who need your services; in fact, owning a domain can further push your career upwards. Having a domain can make it easier for recruiters, HR managers, and employers to find you. If you are self-employed or run a business or in this digital age, it is quite common to be asked questions such as: “Do you have a website?”, “Where can you be found online?”, and “What presence do you have on the World Wide Web”? Nowadays, many people expect individuals and businesses to be represented professionally on the internet.
What’s New in the Block Editor: New Page Layout Picker, Better Block Transformation Options, and More
From a new page layout picker to a more streamlined writing prompt, we’re bringing you the latest round of editor improvements. April 15, 2021
Ola Bodera
Here’s a peek at the latest changes in the block editor — subtle-yet-practical enhancements that help you create beautiful posts and pages more efficiently:
New page layout picker experience.
Convert text and images into Columns block.
Improved spacing options for social links and buttons.
Streamlined behavior of the writing prompt.
Let’s dive in!
New Page Layout Picker
Page layouts are pre-designed templates that make creating beautiful pages a breeze. In this update we focused on improving the layout picker, making it easier to quickly browse different categories and select your layout.
Convert text and images into Columns Block
Transforming one block into another is a nifty trick that can greatly improve the editing experience. With the latest update, text (and images too!) can be automatically converted to a Columns block with the click of a button.
Select two or more blocks (these could be Paragraph, Heading, Image, etc.), click on the grouped block icon, and select “Columns” from the list of transformation options. The number of blocks selected will correspond to the number of columns.
Improved spacing options for Social Links and Buttons
Get creative with new ways to arrange your social links and buttons. This update brings you greater control over spacing and unlocks some neat layout ideas.
The correct alignment will be visible once you finish editing the Social Icons block.
Streamlined behavior of the writing prompt
You’re probably familiar with the writing prompt that greets you every time you start a new post or page. Until now you’d also see it on every new line in your document. We’re happy to report that’s no longer the case! To streamline the writing process the prompt will now only appear once. There will be no subsequent prompts with every new line — just space for you to write your thoughts without distractions.
You keep building, we’ll keep improving
We can’t wait to see what you build with the improved block editor. In the meantime, we’ll keep new updates coming your way.
The invention of social media and the subsequent rise in popularity has opened endless social reach opportunities. Distant relatives can remain in contact regardless of their whereabouts, friends can share posts and photos to reconnect, businesses can promote their products or services, and entertainment is accessible for users across the globe.
One unintended ‘side-effect’ of social media popularity is the impact of use on mental health.
The majority of frequent users are young and impressionable. The often warped portrayal of reality can have a detrimental impact on perception and self-worth. Spending excessive time on social media can also distract users from the present. This may influence overwhelming feelings of guilt and anxiety.
It is important to implement healthy social media habits in order to maintain stable mental health and wellbeing. Healthy social media habits will look different for everybody. What works for you now may not also work for you in the future.
Social Media Free Time
Time away from social media can look differently for everybody.
If your job includes social media use, you might assign a couple of hours in the morning or evening to wind down and relax. Some people like to have ‘social media free days’ during the weekend and holidays to spend time with the family.
Take a look at your schedule and figure out where you can take a break.
Usage Limits and Notifications
iPhones have a feature called ‘Screen Time’ which allows you to look at the number of minutes spent using each application throughout the day, week, and month.
Usage limits can be set to constrain the amount of time spent on each application. This can be a great way to control your social media usage if you’re finding it difficult to distract yourself.
Turning notifications off can also reduce the amount of time spent engaging during social media free time.
Clear Out ‘Friends’ and ‘Followers’
Most people have had a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account for a number of years by 2021. Over this time, an accumulation of ‘Friends; and ‘Follows’ who may not be beneficial to your mental health is likely.
Go on an unfollowing spree and remove any elements of your social media feed that do not make you feel happy, confident, or motivated. Social media use should not encourage feelings of jealousy or insecurity so remove any posts that do.
Think Before Sharing
It is important to maintain a positive and motivational atmosphere on social media platforms. Whilst engaging with controversial topics that you care about is important, be careful that the things you say are not malicious or hurtful.
Prospective employers may read the content posted on your social media platforms before hiring you, so it is important that the image reflected is uplifting and positive.
Feelings of anger and sadness may be better expressed to family and friends directly.
Read this post for mindfulness book suggestions that may provide a much needed break from social media! Try to find new and productive ways to fill your spare time.
When it comes to the topic of banking risk, well…one can only lean back in a chair, sigh and say: “Where to begin?”
A Rich and Deep History of the Absurd
Banks, and hence banking risk, come in a wide variety of flavors, largely because bank mismanagement and short-sighted absurdity comes with equal frequency. As such, a fuller discussion on banking risk would necessitate hundreds of pages and hundreds of examples.
From the woefully arrogant and even more woefully mismanaged central banks, to the equally arrogant and mismanaged commercial banks, the long history of almost unbelievable hubris, risk, and over-bonused (and over-touted) bank leadership is almost endless.
Perhaps this is what prompted Henry Ford to observe that if ordinary citizens actually knew how banks operated (i.e. from fractional reserve banking to arms-length derivative deals with over-levered hedge funds), there would be immediate revolution in the streets.
Although such observations may seem like an exaggeration bordering upon the sensational, one only needs to look beneath the surface of things to realize that reality (and banking risk) is indeed stranger than fiction.
In prior reports, we’ve written about banking risks that date banks centuries, even millennia.
In short, it’s never difficult to put a finger on the map of history, locate any major moment of financial crisis and then find a banker (be he in a toga, French silk ruffles or an Armani suit) sulking in a corner somewhere, head down and hoping not to be recognized or caught.
This is simply because global history, as well as the history of bankers and major financial disasters, from the money lenders of the Old Testament to the S&L Crisis of the 1980’s or the Lehman Moments of 2008, are, sadly, all too common, all too familiar, and all too inevitable.
Again, volumes can be, and have been, written on such a sordid, but all-too-confirmed, trail of absurd banking practices leading to horrific consequences for nations, financial systems and of course, individual investors.
Modern Banking Risk: No Less Absurd
Today’s level of banking absurdity, and hence banking risk, of course is no exception.
The amount of non-performing loans (NPL’s) sure to stream out of the post-COVID (and self-inflicted) gunshot wound to small businesses and commercial real estate owners and tenants are just one among many risks facing the current banking system, which, as we’ve written elsewhere, is quietly (and not surprisingly) coming under greater and greater governmental command control.
In fact, the level of banking risk which lies beneath the so-called bank “recovery” from the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 is higher than most pundits, sell-siders and media pablum-sellers would otherwise have the vast majority of investors believe.
After all, good news, even artificial news and artificial bubbles, sell stocks and make investors (and bankers) happy.
The spin behind healthy banking news is no different, which is to say, no less mis-reported and bullishly comforting.
As all bankers wishing to remain employed know, the financial world spins on calming stories, tweaked data and comforting delusion. Today, such market delusion (in everything from Tesla stocks to negative yielding bonds), as well as banking risk, has never been higher.
As markets distorted by desperate central bank policies reach record highs on balance- sheet challenged, debt-soaked securities, the mad crowds continue to chase return, completely blind to risks hiding in plain sight.
In fact, and due to modern uses of leverage and equally modern weapons of mass destruction in the form of financial derivatives colliding with a central-bank-created debt tsunami the likes of which the world has never seen, banking risk has never, not ever been this high.
And yet the vast majority of TikTok savvy and Tweet-educated investors have zero idea of the risks lurking beneath the current market wave.
Market sentiment, despite a global pandemic and historically unprecedented debt crisis, has never been higher.
As I like to say: The ironies do abound.
But rather than pen hundreds of pages of this banking history here, let’s just consider one screaming, flashing, neon-red symbol of banking risk that is hiding in plain sight this very second.
That is, let’s toe-dip into that clever, banker-invented timebomb otherwise known as the global derivatives market.
The OTC Derivatives Trade: The Real Killer Virus
One does not need to pass a FINRA exam or spend years working the prop desks at a major commercial bank to understand the broad strokes of the otherwise extremely (and intentionally) complex, opaque and non-reported world of derivative instruments circulating like an Ebola virus through the modern banking system.
The fancy lads call this the OTC market—or “Over the Counter” derivatives trade.
“Over the Counter,” by the way, is just a euphemistic way of saying a highly, highly illiquid trade, one not executed on an exchange, but conducted instead among over-paid bankers and other institutional counter parties on a daily basis.
The gross value of this OTC derivatives market is nearly impossible to define, as the various contracts, swaps and options that compose this tangled web of obfuscation and arbitraged markets are in fact valued (marked) by the banks and counterparties themselves, not the open market.
That’s clever, no?
But hey, if you’re going to be guarding (i.e. valuing) your own hen house, it helps to be a clever fox, and bankers are certainly foxy.
Keeping Derivatives Simple
Conservatively, however, it’s fair to say that the current OTC derivatives market is in the neighborhood of $1.5 quadrillion in size, a number I’m not even sure how to type on this page.
Yet despite such an almost fantastical valuation and size, none of these zeroes are reported on the balance sheets of the fancy banks who trade them. Like I said, bankers are clever little foxes.
So, how do these little foxes get away with this? How do they hide the risk and size of these trades from their own books?
This too, involves a bit of complicated banker (and book-keeping) lingo which would make both your eyes (and mine) glaze over if entirely unpacked here.
But as Einstein liked to say, if you can’t explain even the most complex concepts to a five-year-old, you aren’t a very good teacher.
Simple Arbitrage, Simple Leverage, Simply Crazy
First, we need to address that lovely little banking term known as “arbitrage,” which basically boils down to buying and selling the same asset simultaneously and pocketing the difference—hopefully, a profit.
Recently, for example, I purchased a horse saddle on line, and then decided to sell it to another buyer hours later for more than I originally contracted. Voila: arbitrage.
In that brief period, however, between when I bought the saddle for $X and then contracted to sell it for $X + $100, I was in what the fancy lads at places like Deutsche Bank or Goldman Sachs call an “open position”—or stated more simply: I was between trapezes.
That is, if I didn’t get the saddle delivered when I needed it, I’d fail on its subsequent delivery to the next buyer, who would be angry to say the least.
Such failure to perform is what those same fancy lad bankers call “counter-party risk.”
Fortunately, I delivered the saddle as contracted and the counter-party risk was minimal. Easy peasy.
It’s the same for banks buying and selling futures contracts, swaps, call options, put options and all those other shrewd derivative instruments they arbitrage to the tune of billions every second…but with one minor exception: Unlike my simple horse saddle purchase, those fancy lad bankers use 100:1 to 300:1 leverage to buy and sell their sexy little contracts.
A Side-Market Premised on Only Good Times
In normal market conditions, counterparties to these grossly levered derivatives perform as expected. All goes well, and trillions pass between computer screens on arbitrage desks from London to New York, Frankfurt to Tokyo.
But derivative trades are a lot like water skiers being dragged behind a speeding boat: If the boat rides straight and steady, and the water has no ripples, the skiers (i.e. counterparties) glide blissfully, rapidly and safely across a sea of easy money.
But this, of course, is where the entire concept as well as reality of the derivatives trade gets scary, and frankly, just plain absurd, for its entire survival and risk-less future assumes that speed boats never turn sharply, seas never get rough and accidents never happen.
In short, the derivatives trade depends on a best-case scenario of perpetually smooth riding and smooth seas to avoid fatal risk among counterparties.
But as anyone, and I mean anyone, who has traded or studied markets for more than a half hour knows, nothing about financial markets is a perpetually smooth ride free of frequent ripples or an occasional tidal wave.
Despite such obvious common sense, the entire derivatives market (and its buying and selling of premiums, counterparty-spreads etc.) is premised on the self-delusional fantasy that seas are always smooth and water skiers never fall.
A Ticking Timebomb
Thus, despite massive amounts of leverage, massively low “OTC” liquidity (every market crisis, by the way, is at heart a liquidity crisis), massive counterparty risk, and massively obvious macro risks (as evidenced in everything from broken central bank policies, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical risks to zombie credit markets marching daily toward default), the un-noticed and un-reported ($1.5 quadrillion+) derivative trade just keeps ticking away at a major commercial bank near you—ticking, that is, like a financial timebomb.
Yes. Time. Bomb.
But if this seems sensational, once again, let’s just do the math and resort to numbers not adjectives.
Take the example of Deutsche Bank, that oh-so notorious bad boy of the otherwise media-ignored derivatives sand lot.
Like all major commercial banks trading in home-made derivative instruments, Deutsche Bank values its exposure not based upon the leverage used or the true dollar amounts at risk, but rather based upon derivative contracts whose value, as well as risk, is not “marked” (i.e. placed on the balance sheet) until the contracts themselves are exercised.
The book keepers at banks like Deutsche Bank call this the “net” value of their derivative trade.
In the case of Deutsche Bank, whose overall balance sheet asset valuation last year was around $800B, the ledger regarding its “net” derivative exposure was a measly $1B. In short, not the least bit scary at all for a mega bank’s balance sheet or risk profile.
But here’s the rub: The “net” value of derivative exposure reported on the books by banks like Deutsche Bank deliberately and completely ignores the truer derivative exposure and valuation known among the fancy lads as the “gross” derivative value, which more accurately accounts for the actual amount of leverage, premium spreads and counterparty obligations behind their trades.
Again, this more accurate “gross” valuation (and risk exposure) is not marked on the balance sheets of these water-skiing banks…
Turning back to the Deutsche Bank example, we discover that this bank, with a total balance sheet asset value of $800B, marks its “net” derivative value down as $1B, yet neglects to report its “gross” derivative exposure of $40T.
Please: Read that last line again. It’s not a typo.
That right; the “gross” (yet legally unreported) derivative exposure at Deutsche Bank is $40T, despite an enterprise asset value of just $800B for the entire bank itself. In fact, Deutsche Bank’s derivatives exposure is greater than 3X total GDP for the entire European Union.
That’s Banking Risk
So, do you still think there’s no banking risk out there?
The horrific, yet entirely ignored reality is that the current banking system is literally nothing more than a balance-sheet mosquito roosting on a nuclear bomb of levered derivatives exposure set to explode the moment any number of potential and “nuclear” red buttons go off in an otherwise completely distorted global market.
In fact, the list of potential “red-button” moments pointed at this derivative mega-bomb is so long, that the odds of a derivatives implosion, and hence banking implosion, is not just high, it’s closer to 100%.
For the sake of brevity, just consider the following potential red-button triggers:
-Counter-party risk (mere hints of which we’ve seen at Long Term Capital Management, Lehman Brothers, AIG or Bear Sterns in the past, or more recently in headline-making leverage factories like Archegos Capital, whose recent derivative swap trade (co-authored by commercial banks) lost over $10B in shareholder money almost overnight.
-Supply Chain interruptions (as already hinted by oil futures trading negative, or actual gold deliveries failing in the COMEX market);
-Central Banks imploding under the weight of their own balance sheets and losing control of interest rates, which turn zombie bond pits into cemeteries;
-Any black swan, happening at any time.
In short, if there is any counter-party error (ripple or tidal wave) of any genuine and collective magnitude in this over-levered minefield known as the global derivatives market, the silly little net derivatives exposures on the seemingly yet deceptively “safe” balance sheets of the major commercial banks could morph into a gross exposure, and hence a gross loss, of greater than 5X the total valuation of the banks themselves.
After all, the Deutsche Bank is hardly the only bank playing this dangerous game of derivative-roulette. One can easily add JP Morgan, Goldman, Wells Fargo, Soc Gen, BNP or Morgan Stanley to the list.
Needless to say, the cost of bailing out these Too Big to Fail (TBTF) banks in such a derivative implosion would dwarf the TBTF bailouts of 2008, and force central banks to create even more currency destroying dollars out of thin air to save the banking sinners while leading to even more centralized, government control of our banking system.
When, not if, a crisis occurs in this toxic commercial banking system sitting above a home-made derivatives time bomb, do you want to hold your gold, or any precious metal asset, in such esteemed, globally recognized and balance-sheet savvy commercial banks?
Decades ago, we created Matterhorn Asset Management so you wouldn’t have to.
Handwashing and hot tea: Eswatini celebrates roll out of solar-heated water
New stations at health clinics improve hygiene in locations where warm water seen as ‘an absolute luxury’, helping to tackle Covid
Acting prime minister Themba Masuku performs a ceremonial handwash to mark the completion of the Lobamba clinic. Photograph: Courtesy of Frazer SolarGlobal development is supported by
In Eswatini, the southern African country which lost a prime minister to Covid-19 in December and where most people have no access to hot water, handwashing – a key weapon in the fight against the pandemic – has been a problem.
No government health clinic in the kingdom, formerly known as Swaziland, had hot running water for patients. Nine out of 10 didn’t have hot water for operations and cleaning instruments.
But in just nine months, a solar sanitation project has reversed that, bringing hot water to all 92 clinics scattered across Eswatini. “To places we’d never have dreamed would have hot water,” said Lizzie Nkosi, minister for health.
Hot water stations have been set up outside clinics with solar-powered tanks drawing cold water from the mains.
“In 25 years working as a nurse, I have never had hot water in a clinic. Not for patients, not for nurses,” said Lindiwe Magongo, head nurse at the Ezulwini clinic, 14km away from the administrative capital, Mbabane.
“Not only have all my patients had clean, hot water, I have also had a hot cup of tea every single day.”
The country has 14 hospitals but because of the poor state of the roads most people rely on their nearest clinic to deal with everything from emergencies to minor illnesses and vaccinations.
Eswatini has the highest incidence of HIV in the world, according to Unicef, and among the lowest life expectancies. Levels of tuberculosis and obesity are high and 63% of the 1.3 million population live in poverty.
Ezulwini, and the Lobamba clinic 20km away, each have a dozen staff who live on-site. They each treat 200 to 300 patients daily, who will often have walked 10 to 15km and queued for hours to be seen.
Robert Frazer, managing director of Frazer Solar, the German company behind the tanks, said the impact is “massive”.
“We take hot water for granted in the west but in Eswatini it’s an absolute luxury,” he said.
Hot water is a luxury in Eswatini, where 63% of people live in poverty. Photograph: Courtesy of Frazer Solar
The system needs no electricity or moving parts. The water from the mains is fed into the storage tank using water pressure. The coldest water flows to the bottom of the solar panel, which traps the warmth of the sun, heats the water and sends it back up to the tank in a cycle that takes the temperature of the supply to between 80 and 90C. No servicing should be required for 20 years and the system benefits about 10,000 people every day.
The project, which cost €300,000 (£260,000) , was finished last month. At the Lobamba clinic its completion was marked with a ceremonial handwash for the cameras by Themba Masuku, the deputy prime minister who has been acting PM since the country’s leader, Ambrose Dlamini, died in December after testing positive for Covid.
In WordPress 5.0, the classic content editor was replaced with a brand new block editor, known as Gutenberg. Since then, several of our readers have asked us to create a comprehensive tutorial on how to use the Gutenberg block editor in WordPress.
WordPress block editor is a totally new and different way of creating content in WordPress. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the new WordPress block editor and master it to create visually stunning blog posts and pages.
What’s The Difference Between Block Editor (Gutenberg) and Classic Editor?
Before we dive into the new editor, let’s first compare and understand the differences between Gutenberg Block Editor and the Classic Editor.
Here is what the classic editor in WordPress looked like:
If you upgrade to WordPress 5.0, then this is what the new block editor looks like:
As you can see, they are two completely different editors for creating content in WordPress.
The old classic editor was a text editor with formatting buttons very similar to Microsoft Word.
The new editor uses a totally different approach, called ‘Blocks’ (hence, the name Block Editor).
Blocks are content elements that you add to the edit screen to create content layouts. Each item you add to your post or page is a block.
You can add blocks for each paragraph, images, videos, galleries, audio, lists, and more. There are blocks for all common content elements and more can be added by WordPress plugins.
How is the new WordPress block editor better than the classic editor?
The new WordPress block editor offers a simple way to add different types of content to your posts and pages.
For example, previously if you wanted to add a table in your content, then you needed a separate table plugin.
With the new editor, you can simply add a table block, select your columns and rows, and start adding content.
You can move content elements up and down, edit them as individual blocks, and easily create media-rich content.
Most importantly, the new WordPress block editor is easy to use and learn.
That being said, let’s take a look at how to use the new WordPress block editor like a pro to create great content.
Here is what we will cover in this Gutenberg tutorial:
Using Gutenberg – The new WordPress block editor
Creating a new blog post or page
How to add a block in Gutenberg
Working with blocks in the new editor
Saving and reusing blocks in Gutenberg
Publishing and post settings in Gutenberg
Plugin settings in new editor
Adding some common blocks in Gutenberg
Exploring some new content blocks in Gutenberg
Bonus tips on using Gutenberg like a pro
Adding more blocks to Gutenberg Block Editor
FAQs about Gutenberg
Ready? Let’s dive in.
Using Gutenberg – The New WordPress Block Editor
The block editor is designed to be intuitive and flexible. While it looks different than the old WordPress editor, it still does all the things that you were able to do in the classic editor.
Let’s start with covering the basic things that you did in the classic editor, and how they are done in the block editor.
Creating a New Blog Post or Page Using The Block Editor
You will start creating a new blog post or page like you normally would. Simply click on Posts » Add New menu in your WordPress admin. If you are creating a page, then go to Pages » Add New menu.
This will launch the new block editor.
How to Add a Block in Gutenberg
The first block of every post or page is the title.
After that, you can use the mouse to move below the title or press the tab key on your keyboard to move down and start writing.
By default, the next block is a paragraph block. This allows users to start writing right away.
However, if you want to add something different, then you can click on the add new block button on the top left corner of the editor, below an existing block, or on the left side of a block.
Clicking on the button will show the add block menu with a search bar on top and commonly used blocks below.
You can click on tabs to browse block categories or type in the keyword to quickly search for a block.
If you don’t want to use a mouse to click on the button, then you can use a keyboard shortcut by typing / to search and add a block.
Working with Blocks in The New Editor
Each block comes with its own toolbar which appears on top of the block. The buttons in the toolbar would change depending on the block you are editing.
For example, in this screenshot, we are working in a paragraph block which shows basic formatting buttons like: text alignment, bold, italic, insert-link, and strikethrough buttons.
Apart from the toolbar, each block can also have its own block settings which would appear in the right column of your edit screen.
You can move blocks up and down by simple drag and drop or by clicking the up and down buttons next to each block.
Saving and Reusing Blocks in Gutenberg
One of the best things about blocks is that they can be saved and reused individually. This is particularly helpful for bloggers who frequently need to add specific content snippets to their articles.
Simply click on the menu button located at the right corner of each block’s toolbar. From the menu, select ‘Add to reusable blocks’ option.
You will be asked to provide a name for this reusable block. Enter a name for your block and then click on the save button.
The block editor will now save the block as a reusable block.
Now that you have saved a block, let’s see how to add the reusable block into other WordPress posts and pages on your site.
Simply edit the post or page where you want to add the reusable block. From the post edit screen, click on the add block button.
You will find your saved block under the ‘Reusable’ tab. You can also find it by typing its name in the search bar.
You can take your mouse over it to see a quick preview of the block. Simply click on the block to insert it into your post or page.
All reusable blocks are stored in your WordPress database, and you can manage them by clicking on the ‘manage all reusable blocks’ link.
This will bring you to the block manager page. From here, you can edit or delete any of your reusable blocks. You can also export reusable blocks and use them on any other WordPress website.
Publishing and Managing Options in Gutenberg Block Editor
Each WordPress post contains a lot of metadata. This includes information like publish date, categories and tags, featured images, and more.
All these options are neatly placed in the right column on the editor screen.
Plugin Options in Gutenberg
WordPress plugins are able to take advantage of the block editor’s API to integrate their own settings within the edit screen.
Some popular plugins are already available as blocks. For example, WPForms, the best WordPress form builder plugin allows you to add forms into your content using a widget block.
Here is how Yoast SEO allows you to edit your SEO settings in the new editor:
WooCommerce also comes with widget blocks that you can easily add to any of your WordPress posts and pages.
Adding Some Common Blocks in New Editor
Basically, the new editor can do everything the classic editor did. However, you will be doing things way quicker and elegantly than before.
1. Adding an image in new WordPress editor
There is a ready to use image block in the new WordPress editor. Simply add the block and then upload an image file or select from the media library.
You can also drag and drop images from your computer, and the editor will automatically create an image block for it.
Once you have added an image, you will be able to see the block settings where you can add metadata for the image like alt text, size, and add a link to the image.
2. Adding a link in new block Editor
The block editor comes with several blocks where you can add text. Most commonly used one is the paragraph block which comes with an insert link button in the toolbar.
All other commonly used text blocks also include a link button in the toolbar.
You can also insert a link using the keyboard shortcut, which is Command + K for Mac and CTRL + K on Windows computers.
3. Adding an image gallery in Gutenberg
The gallery block works like the image block. You add it and then upload or select image files.
4. Adding shortcodes in WordPress posts using Gutenberg
All your shortcodes will work just like they did in the classic editor. You can simply add them to a paragraph block, or you can use the shortcode block.
Exploring Some New Content Blocks in Gutenberg
The Gutenberg editor promises to solve some long-standing usability issues in WordPress by introducing some new blocks.
Following are some of the favorites that we believe users will find immensely helpful.
1. Adding an image next to some text in WordPress
Using the old editor, many of our users were unable to place an image next to the text. You can do this now with the Media & Text block.
This simple block comes with two blocks placed side-by-side allowing you to easily add an image and add some text next to it.
2. Adding a button in WordPress posts and pages
Adding a button to your blog posts or pages was another annoyance in the classic editor. You either had to use a plugin that created a shortcode for the button, or you had to switch to HTML mode and write code.
Gutenberg comes with a button block that allows you to quickly add a button to any post or page.
You can add a link for your button, change colors, and choose from three button styles.
3. Adding beautiful cover images in blog posts and landing pages
Another cool feature that you may want to try is the ‘Cover’ block, which allows you to add cover images to your posts and pages.
A cover image is a wider image often used as a cover for a new section in a page or the beginning of a story. They look beautiful and allow you to create engaging content layouts.
Simply add a cover block and then upload the image you want to use. You can choose an overlay color for the cover or make it a fixed background image to create parallax effect when users scroll down the page.
4. Creating tables inside articles
The classic editor didn’t have a button to add tables into your WordPress posts. You had to use a plugin or create a table writing custom CSS and HTML.
New Gutenberg editor comes with a default Table block, which makes it super easy to add tables into your posts and pages. Simply add the block and then select the number of columns and rows you want to insert.
You can now go ahead and start adding data to table rows. You can always add more rows and columns if needed. There are also two basic style options available.
5. Creating multi-column content
Creating multi-column content was another issue that the classic editor didn’t handle at all. The block editor allows you to add Columns block, which basically adds two columns of paragraph blocks.
This columns block is quite flexible. You can add up to 6 columns in a row and even use other blocks inside each column.
Bonus Tips to Use Gutenberg like a Pro
Looking at the new block editor, you may be wondering whether you will be spending more time adding and adjusting blocks than creating actual content?
Well, the new editor is incredibly fast and even very basic usage for a few minutes will allow you to instantly add blocks without even thinking.
Pretty soon you will realize how much faster your workflow will become with this new approach.
For power users, here are some bonus tips to help you work even faster with the new WordPress editor.
1. Move the block toolbar to the top.
As you may have noticed in the screenshots that there is a toolbar that appears on top of every block. You can move this toolbar to the top of the editor.
Simply click on the three-dot button at the top right corner of the screen and then select the Top Toolbar option.
2. Use keyboard shortcuts
Gutenberg comes with several handy shortcuts that will make your workflow even better. The first one you should start using right away is the /.
Simply enter / and then start typing, and it will show you matching blocks that you can instantly add.
For more shortcuts, click on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner of your screen and then select ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’.
This will bring up a popup with the list of all the keyboard shortcuts that you can use. The list will have different shortcuts for Windows and Mac users.
3. Drag and drop media to automatically create media blocks
Gutenberg allows you to just drag and drop files anywhere on the screen and it will automatically create a block for you.
You can drop a single image or video file, and it will create the block for you. You can also drop multiple image files to create a gallery block.
4. Adding YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, and other embeds
Gutenberg introduces new embed blocks to the block editor. There is a block for all supported embed types including YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and more.
However, you can just copy and paste the embed URL at any point, and it will automatically create a block for you.
For example, if you added a YouTube video URL, it will automatically create a YouTube embed block and display the video.
Adding More Blocks to Gutenberg Block Editor in WordPress
The new block editor in WordPress allows developers to create their own blocks. There are some awesome WordPress plugins offering block bundles for the new editor.
Advanced Gutenberg comes with several blocks for popular content elements like WooCommerce product slider, testimonials, maps, counter, tabs, accordions, and more.
It also gives you advanced control on which users can access blocks based on their user roles. You can create user profiles and select which blocks they can add.
Stackable – Gutenberg Blocks is a collection of beautifully designed Gutenberg blocks that you can use on your website. It includes blocks for the container, posts, feature grid, accordion, image box, icon list, call to action, and more.
Editor Blocks is another neat collection of Gutenberg blocks that you can use. It comes with useful blocks like author profile, hero image, pricing table, brands, features, and more.
FAQs about Gutenberg – The New Block Editor in WordPress
Since Gutenberg became the new WordPress editor, we have been getting a lot of questions. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Gutenberg.
1. What happens to my older posts and pages? Can I still edit them?
Your old posts and pages are completely safe and unaffected by the Gutenberg. You can still edit them, and Gutenberg will automatically open them in a block containing the classic editor.
You can edit them inside the old editor, or you can convert older articles into blocks and use the new block editor.
2. Can I still keep using the old editor?
Yes, you can still keep using the old editor. Simply install and activate the Classic Editor plugin.
Upon activation, it will disable the block editor, and you will be able to continue using the classic editor.
Please note that Classic Editor will be supported until 2022.
3. What to do if the new editor doesn’t work with a plugin or theme I am using?
Project Gutenberg was under development for a long time. This gave plugin and theme authors plenty of time to test their code for compatibility.
However, there is still a chance that some plugins and themes may not work well with the new editor. In that case, you can install the classic editor plugin, request the developer to add Gutenberg support, or simply find an alternative plugin or theme.
4. How to learn more Gutenberg tips and tricks?
WPBeginner is the best place to learn about the new block editor in WordPress. We are the largest WordPress resource site on the internet.
We will be publishing new articles and updating our old resources to help you master the new block editor.
Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us by leaving a comment or by using the contact form on our website.
We hope this Gutenberg tutorial helped you learn how to use the new WordPress block editor. You may also want to see our complete WordPress performance guide for improving your website speed.
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